A man dies after the subway has driven him into a tunnel


While it's hard to dissuade people from deliberately jumping in front of trains, metro officials have long sought to avoid accidents by installing yellow, gnarled stripes meant to give a tactile warning: stay away.

It was a warning message to subway users who were used to leaning overboard to look in the dark looking for the headlights of an approaching train. And it was a message that some passengers were listening more than ever Wednesday.

"I do not stand on that yellow line," said Wednesday Mark Joseph, 69, while he was on the dock where the accident had occurred.

"Many people do not listen," said Joseph. "They walk to the edge. I am afraid that you may stumble or that someone pushes you. It's not worth the shot. You can die. "

But some passengers and some behavioral experts said New Yorkers were so used to yellow marks that they ignored them. What matters most is taking an already crowded train, nudging other people and splitting the crowd.

"I suppose these points are supposed to make you aware of the danger," said Antana Locs, 60. "But when people see the train arrive, it's a natural instinct to lean forward and be the first in the train."

Witnesses told police that the man was walking around 7:20 pm on the yellow guard line at the edge of a platform. as the train went out.

A video surveillance camera from inside the station showed his body thrown against a staircase and pulled into the tunnel, according to a law enforcement official.

The man's body struck an electrical box near the entrance to the tunnel and triggered a flash that caught the attention of the train operator, who operated the brakes, said the official.


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