A man found not guilty in the Hash Brown case / A cell phone in an area that has attracted national attention


A man from Fairfield County "adores that" after bringing the police to justice for a distracted driving ticket, when an officer apparently took a brown hash in his hand for a cell phone.

Jason Stiber, a Westport resident, is beaten against the law and won after receiving a $ 300 bill for distracted driving

last year.

Stiber, 45, who had just bought a hash brown from McDonald's near the Norwalk border, was arrested and given a ticket. Rather than paying the fine, he ruled the case after a magistrate initially found him guilty of the offense.

The phone records showed that Stiber had not used his phone since the time he received the ticket and he had a Bluetooth device.

"It was probably the most expensive hash brown in history, but it was worth it," said Stiber's lawyer John Thygerson.


, without revealing his fees. "People can borrow the path of least resistance," OK, I will pay the fine. "But others say," No, I want to pay more for the principle. "

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