A man jailed for life for stabbing a police officer at Michigan airport


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By Reuters

FLINT, Mich. – A Tunisian was sentenced to life imprisonment on Thursday for stabbing a policeman at Flint Airport, Michigan, a federal judge's decision made easier by the provocative and angry words of the police. 39; accused.

"Do I regret what I've done? Never," said Amor Ftouhi, 51, to US District Judge Matthew Leitman. "If I had to do it again, I would, I regret not killing that cop."

Amor Ftouhi, arrested for stabbing a policeman at the Bishop International Airport in Flint, Michigan.FBI / Reuters

Leitman noted that Ftouhi stated that he wanted to be free so he could continue to hurt and kill people.

"I have never imposed a sentence so close to this one before," said the judge. "I twisted myself to ask if this" life "was an appropriate phrase, but after this morning, I do not doubt at all."

In June 2017, Ftouhi shouted "Allahu Akbar (God is the greatest)" before stabbing Lieutenant Jeff Neville, who was working on security at Bishop Flint Airport. Other officers put Ftouhi on the ground and prevented him from seizing Neville's weapon.

An FBI investigation revealed that Ftouhi, who lived in Montreal, had legally entered the United States five days earlier and had tried several times to buy a firearm at an exhibition.

Ftouhi said Thursday that he was hoping to get a machine gun. Otherwise, he used a knife to attack Neville, who survived and testified in court Thursday.

Ftouhi, who has dual Tunisian-Canadian nationality, was sentenced after a five-day trial in November.

In an unusual move, Leitman on Thursday interrupted Ftouhi's statement in court to tell him that his testimony was damaging to his case. Ftouhi was not discouraged and continued to plead against the United States, his defense lawyer and American Muslims who "do not care about your brothers in the world".

"In my heart, in my blood, in my head, I felt that I had to do jihad against the enemies of Allah," Ftouhi said.

Ftouhi's lawyer, Joan Morgan, said the abuser was depressed and mentally unstable.

Lt. Jeff Neville, a retired airport policeman, met with reporters outside the Federal Courthouse in Flint, Michigan on April 18, 2019.Ed White / AP

Neville, 57, retired from his 37-year-old job after the attack. After the hearing, he told reporters that Ftouhi had led a normal life about two years ago.

"I can not wrap my head around that … he came to this country, Flint, Michigan, to attack me?" Said Neville. "Frankly, I would have been disappointed if he had not had life because he was a really dangerous man." "He was coming out of jail at age 70, he would always a dangerous man. "


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