A man sentenced to 19 years for throwing a 5 year old boy from a balcony at the Mall of America Mall


Emmanuel Aranda, 24, pleaded guilty last month to attempted first degree murder with premeditation.
Emmanuel Aranda

Aranda said he was planning to kill the boy on April 12, when he threw the child over a railing of the Bloomington Mall. The boy fell 10 meters and suffered numerous injuries.

Aranda told the police that he had been frustrated by the rejection of women at the mall and that he had intended to kill an adult there the day before.

The boy's family said in a statement on April 26 that he was "alert and aware" after two weeks in critical condition.

On Monday, a family lawyer in court read the statements of the child's parents.

"In what was to be a normal day of entertainment and play for us, a day made for good, you choose to commit a horrible violent act," said the father in his statement.

The mother said that the boy "everything will be fine" in his. "Something really bad must have happened to you to make it to a nice, innocent little boy," said his statement.

Aranda was standing in front of the family's lawyer, head down, arms behind his back as he listened. He refused to make a statement.

Judge Jeannice Reding said that Aranda would get a credit for his days of service and that he could benefit from a supervised release of up to 76 months for good behavior.


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