A man who swallowed an AirPod says it still worked in his stomach – BGR


You know what is perfectly normal? Sleep while wearing AirPods. You know what is completely abnormal? In a way, swallowing an AirPod in your sleep.

This seems almost implausible, but that's exactly what happened to a man in Taiwan, Ben Hsu, according to a report from Daily mail. As for the crazy stories, this one is a doozy so you may want to tie yourself.

According to the report, Hsu woke up from a nap and could not find one of his AirPods. After searching everywhere in his bed for nothing, he decided to follow the device and clicked on the option "Play the sound". He was then shocked to hear the missing AirPod beep in his stomach. In one way or another, the rogue AirPod fell into his mouth half asleep, after which Hsu engulfed him. Incredibly, apparently, it still worked while he was crossing his digestive tract.

Hsu wisely went to a hospital where doctors gave him a laxative to help him tweak the device.

The report reads in part:

Dr. Chen Chieh-fan, who works in the emergency room, explained: "Due to the plastic shell surrounding AirPod, its risk of injuring it in the same way as swallowing a regular lithium-ion battery is much lower.

The AirPod finally came out, with Hsu noting that the battery was still at 41%. Hsu then called this whole ordeal "magical", which perhaps proves that the cult of Apple is a reality.

As crazy as it sounds, the story gets even stranger from here. Call me old, but if I swallowed an AirPod only to make it reappear in a toilet, I would bring this bad boy for all eternity. But Hsu, it seems, is cut in a different fabric. For reasons that elude any explanation, Hsu then tried the AirPod and discovered that it was still working.

"After washing the AirPod and letting it dry," reads the report, "Mr. Hsu was surprised to find that it still worked."

When Tim Cool called the AirPod a "cultural phenomenon" at a profit conference call this week, I do not think that was what he had in mind.


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