A mayor is accused of taking bribes to help the potter companies


BOSTON – A Massachusetts mayor was arrested Friday for plotting extortion of hundreds of thousands of dollars from companies who were looking to operate a marijuana business, federal officials said.

The mayor of Fall River, Jasiel Correia, has abruptly accepted bribes in exchange for sending official letters required to obtain a license to set up a marijuana business said the authorities. At least four business owners paid the mayor a bribe of $ 600,000. He used this money to support a lavish lifestyle and cover the increase in the amount of legal bills, they said.

"Without hesitation, Mayor Correia has extorted one marijuana vendor from another," said US Attorney General of Massachusetts Andrew Lelling at a press conference after his arrest. "The efforts he made to obtain the money were striking, and the apparent indifference to the frankness of his activities was revealed."

Correia's lawyer did not respond to requests for comments on Friday.

In one case, Lelling said, Correia went into the office of a salesman and simply asked for $ 250,000 to issue one of the letters. Another time, Correia received $ 75,000 in cash while sitting in the back of a car. He quickly delivered a signed letter, according to Lelling.

Formerly a rising political star in Massachusetts, Correia remained in office despite efforts to force him to step down despite his legal problems. He had previously been accused of stealing funds from investors to fund a lavish lifestyle. He pleaded not guilty.

The latest survey, also involving FBI agents and the IRS, has highlighted the risk of abuse in the fledgling marijuana industry in the Massachusetts retail trade, announced Friday. authorities.

Under state law, a so-called no-objection letter is required to obtain a license to operate a marijuana business. The head of the local government issues the letters, in which it is stated that he has verified that the company is located in an authorized zoning district.

Correia has published at least 14 letters, including two for the brother of his current girlfriend, authorities said. It was not clear whether the authorities allege that there had been any illegal activity involved in sending the letter to the brother.

"We are a little worried," said Lelling. "The mayors of the region can be highly tempted, this simple letter can be the way to access a very lucrative business."

The Inspector General of the United States, Glenn Cunha, said he hoped the indictment would prompt marijuana regulators to consider additional safeguards.

Massachusetts voters approved the recreational sale of marijuana in 2016; the first storefronts opened last November.

Friday 's indictment also details other charges against Correia, who became the youngest mayor of the old mill town during her first election in 2015, at age 23.

Authorities say the 27-year-old has also accepted cash payments and a Rolex watch from an owner to approve the permits for his commercial building.

He also asked his chief of staff, who is also facing federal charges, to pay him half of his salary in exchange for the possibility of keeping his position in the city, prosecutors said. It was not clear if the staff member had a representative lawyer who could comment on the case.

Correia and she are scheduled to appear in court Friday afternoon, authorities said. Three other associates are also charged with extorting marijuana and will be appearing in court another day.

In a strange turn this year, Correia was recalled by the voters and then quickly re-elected the same night of March. He is also among the three mayoral candidates at a primary election scheduled for Sept. 17.

Last October, Correia pleaded not guilty to an indictment of 13 counts for defrauding investors and filing false tax returns.

Prosecutors said Correia had raised more than $ 360,000 from investors to develop an app that would help businesses communicate with consumers.

Instead, he would have spent more than $ 230,000 on jewelry, designer clothes and a Mercedes, as well as on his political campaign and charitable donations.

A trial on these federal charges is expected to begin on February 24.


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