A monkey interrupts the Sea of ​​Thieves torrent with a huge barf


Rare Sea of ​​Thieves receives pets – monkeys and parrots – in an update scheduled for The fortune of the smuggler update. The developer held a Sea of ​​Thieves Preview stream on YouTube to present the update on Monday, and they brought a real squirrel monkey called Antonio.

And things have … disgusting.

For most of the video, Antonio measured the shoulders of Sea of ​​Thieves the developers and nibbled on treats. But unfortunately for Jon McFarlane, Antonio, video director of the rare community. also on McFarlane's face and both shoulders. The big spill of Antonio is around 27:50. In the lyrics of Sea of ​​Thieves Drew Stevens, Senior Producer: "It's a shame."

Antonio releases a surprising amount of shiny gray-brown Things; we do not know exactly what it is. Do squirrel monkeys eat mealworms? It seems to be half-digested worms.

A few minutes after McFarlane cleans up the vomit from his face and shirt, which contains damp vomit stains for the rest of the stream, Antonio strikes again – this time with poop, on McFarlane's shoulder. L & # 39; s Official Sea of ​​Thieves Twitter account joked about it later on Twitter. "What's the saying?" He tweeted. "Never work with children or animals? We would do it again. "

Despite the … mishaps … the Sea of ​​Thieves The team does not seem bothered by the unpredictability of the animals at the source.

So, yes, there are pets in Sea of ​​Thieves now. This is part of a larger launch of Pirate Emporium, a "new premium store selling a range of items such as pets, emotes and liveries from ships." A new currency is being introduced to work in the store. Xbox Games Store or the Emporium itself. The update arrives this month, but we do not know yet if pets have some sort of mechanism to throw up. After all, it would not be totally irrelevant: Sea of ​​Thieves already allows players to throw up in buckets and throw them at others.


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