A native of Louisiana goes to the final of The Voice


Another singer from Louisiana went to the final round of a popular singing contest.

Singer Gyth Rigdon, who is from the singer, has reached the final rounds of The Voice. Tuesday night, he was selected as one of four candidates to advance through the votes of viewers.

On Monday, Rigdon sang an interpretation of Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA". Following his performance, Twitter was overwhelmed by criticism of judges Kelly Clarkson and John Legend, who described them as non-patriotic.

Lee Greenwood congratulated Rigdon for performing his song, but also said that the judges were right to make critical and complimentary statements about the show.

Rigdon is part of the Blake team, who selected him at his blind audition in February. Two other Blake teammates qualified for the final round.

Those who remain include:

  • Maelyn Jarmon (Legend of the team)
  • Dexter Roberts (Team Blake)
  • Gyth Rigdon (Team Blake)
  • Andrew Sevener (Team Blake)

The final will take place next Tuesday, May 21, 2019, where a winner will be chosen. The Voice airs on NBC at 7:00 pm CST.

Laine Hardy made the headlines in Louisiana this week, returning home to Livingston Parish just before ABC's American Idol final.

KATC was there when Hardy came home. You can see our full coverage here: Livingston celebrates the return of the American Idol finalist Laine Hardy

The final of American Idol will be broadcast on KATC (ABC) Sunday, May 19, 2019 at 19:00. CST.


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