A new Batman game could soon enter PS4


Batman: Arkham Knight on PlayStation 4 for PS4

The capped crusader emerged from the shadow of the video game after a while paused. Batman: Arkham Knight was his last major title. It is currently available on PlayStation Plus and is part of monthly offers. Over the weekend, the world celebrated Batman Day, illuminating many major cities with the iconic bat signal.

WB Games Montreal participated in the celebrations by posting this mysterious clip on Twitter:

What makes this activity interesting are several flashing and misfired symbols that flash throughout the video. Given the moment, with Batman Day just gone, the 80th anniversary of the superhero and the state of the situation at the turn, it seems to us that we are about to make an announcement. This is purely hypothetical, but we will not be surprised if a new Batman game is revealed during the live broadcast of Sony tomorrow.

What do you think? Does the Black Knight return to a new game and will it be unveiled during the state of the game? Vote yes or nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah (BATMAN) in the comments below.


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