A new gadget asks: what happens if Juicero press instead bags of soap?


Kickstarter, a new business of pressing sacks, promises to save hundreds of people with household cleaning products like hand soap and dishwasher detergent. This is called Cleanyst, and the press coverage of the device has so far been stunned that the name of "SodaStream for cleaning products" was indicated. On the Kickstarter page, Cleanyst says that his device "offers the comfort of a Keurig or Nespresso device" and "the environmental benefits of a SodaStream." Wow.

Yes, at first glance, it may be that you have things similar to those of Keurig in a SodaStream bottle, but it is also very obviously a Juicero.

Here is an image comparison side by side:

Juicero was a failing company that closed in 2017 after people realized that it was simply possible to squeeze the juice bag without the need for help from a $ 700 Wi-Fi connected machine. Cleanyst is at least a less expensive bet on bag compression technology, and customers can buy in its ecosystem starting at $ 99. (Of course, if you simply want to support the research and development of bag compression technology, there is also a $ 5 level with no tangible reward.) Cleanyst plans to sell the device at a higher retail price after Kickstarter, according to Quick business. When we asked them if they knew Juicero when designing their bag pressing device, a Cleanyst spokesperson told us that it "does not concern any pre-existing product".

Cleanyst certainly seems more useful than a single-use juicer, but it is too early to tell if the device is also needed. Can you simply squeeze the company's exclusive cleaning product bags yourself? Do you need the blender, or could you simply add water and shake for a minute? The company says no; Cleanyst insists that "the main purpose of the machine is to professionally mix the product to the correct viscosity at home, which can not be done properly by hand". Indeed, the device is more sophisticated than the Juicero, which only squeezes the bags to maximize their nutrition, While Cleanyst presses the bags, distributes hot water, then uses a turbine to mix the solution in a bottle.

The designers said Cleanyst's goal was to reduce the environmental impact of sending a series of cleaning products to homes, mostly water. And the device uses "100% recyclable" bags intended to be returned to the company for reuse. But according to Quick businessCleanyst has not yet completed an analysis of its life cycle to determine the impact of its own system on the environment. Therefore, it is not yet clear if the big plastic device you would buy would actually buy with plastic bottles.

In any case, it's Cleanyst: it's not a Juicero, but it's kind of.


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