A new teaser for the fourth operation of Black Ops 4: the return of ADM to the agenda


The teasers of Call of Duty: the fourth operation of Black Ops 4 continue to appear on social media in the run-up to the launch of the new operation on April 30.

This new teaser presents a card with a gun in the background, following the passage of a cashier through the screen. It could be a new Black Ops Pass MP card, which could be an ADM card from Black Ops 1. It could also be from a location in Blackout.

This is the third teaser of the latest Black Ops 4 operation, with Activision previously sharing a teaser for "Armed and Ready" alongside a "Strike from the Shadows" tag line.

The new operation for Black Ops 4 begins on April 30 on PS4. More details should be announced as the date gets closer … so stay tuned.


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