A new video of the Trump campaign: gaffes, difficulties and fitness in the office


A new video of President Trump's re-election campaign takes a look at the fitness of former Vice President Joe Biden, featuring clips of his recent gaffes and other verbal fumbles. as well as numerous clips of experts questioning his ability to prepare.

The web video, tweeted Tuesday morning by campaign manager Brad Parscale and shared first with Fox News, brings together everything from his recent thinking on "turntables" to his statement that "poor kids" have as much talent as "white kids". Biden's 76-year-old comments are interspersed with those of experts who question his difficulties, his lack of spirit, his mental and physical stamina, if he has "lost" a step "and s" he is "equipped for a very grueling campaign".


The age and mental acuity of the former vice president have been called into question since the launch of his 2020 presidential campaign in late April. Last week, the favorite of the Democratic nomination race suffered repeated attacks from rivals.

Former Housing Secretary Julian Castro, who sat in the Obama administration with Biden, may have had the worst blow to Biden's memory, accusing him of contradicting himself about the need for Americans to adhere to your health care plan.


"You just said two minutes ago, they should buy, do you forget what you said two minutes ago?" Castro asked, in what appeared to be a reference to the past moments of Biden's past.

In this case, as the Biden campaign later reported, Castro was wrong. During the debate, Biden did not say that individuals should buy. Instead, he added that individuals would be automatically enrolled if they lost their jobs.

But Biden has drawn criticism for other difficulties. Another rival, New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, backed Castro after the debate and raised new questions about Biden's ability to carry the Democrats' banner until 2020.

"I think we're at a critical point right now, because many people are concerned about Joe Biden's ability to carry the ball down the line without fumbling," Booker told CNN at the time. ;an interview. "And I think Castro had legitimate concerns about the fact that it may be one of a long, grueling campaign … and that he has every right to appeal." "

A clip of this interviewer's booker appears in the video of the Trump campaign.

Critics of some of his middle and lower rivals are fears that Biden – he's winning the nomination – will be weakened for the general election clash against Trump.

Biden is far from the only candidate where age is a problem. The president is 72 years old and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders – another prominent candidate for the Democratic presidency – is 77. Another major rival of the White House, Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, is 70 years old. .

There is still no digital ad purchase associated with the video, but the campaign has not excluded one.

Adam Shaw of Fox News contributed to this story.


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