A New York State police officer fleeing a rabid fox shoots himself in the chest


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By Associated press

Police announced that a police officer on the run in front of a rabid fox in a village in the Hudson Valley had accidentally shot himself in the chest.

According to the authorities, Harold Nunuvero, a 24-year-old Ellenville police officer, was struck while he was responding to a report on the fox in the village on Tuesday morning.

The village police chief, Philip Mattracion, said that the animal had been accused in Nunuvero and that he had tried to jump over a nearby fence. But his foot was caught and he went back. Nunuvero's weapon rang when he landed and hit the officer's bulletproof vest.

Another policeman shot the fox while Nunuvero was down.

Nunuvero was then taken to hospital for treatment and release.

Mattracion said that the bulletproof vest of the officer "undoubtedly" had saved his life.


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