A note for the console version of Rust has just appeared on the ESRB website • Eurogamer.net


Citing blood and violence, he receives an “M” grade.

A note from the console version of Rust appeared on the ESRB website.

Rust’s planned launch on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One for some time in 2020 was originally announced in November 2019, but last month we learned that the developer responsible for the port admitted it had remained silent simply because there had been no significant updates.

While it’s still unclear when the console port will be available, the summary on the Entertainment Software Rating Board’s website confirms that the port will not be available on next-gen PS5 and Xbox Series X / S systems, but should arrive on Xbox One and PS4.

“This is a first-person multiplayer survival game in which players compete to survive in a hostile environment,” says the summary on the ESRB (thanks, Comic Book), which credits the game with a “M” for Mature.

“Players explore the open world environment, gather resources, create weapons (eg spears, machine guns, explosives), and defend against wild animals and other players. large splashes of blood. Players can continue to shoot animals or humans on the ground (i.e. post mortem damage), accompanied by significant blood splatter effects.

“Battles are highlighted with realistic gunfire and explosions. When human enemies are killed, they can be harvested for body parts and cooked for food.

Developed by Facepunch and released in 2013, Rust has performed well on Steam, with player counts peaking at nearly 250,000 concurrent players in the past 24 hours. It’s a game of complete anarchy and resource-grabbing, with very aggressive bears and equally aggressive players.


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