A "pain like no other pain"


Prince William was very open about the devastating death of his mother, Princess Diana, when he was a child. William worked with the BBC on a new documentary titled Royal Team Interview: Addressing Mental Healthin which he shared his own mental health problems.

Prince William Manchester City - Watford - England Cup Final
Prince William | Julian Finney / Getty Images

Prince William talked about his time working as an air ambulance pilot

In the documentary, Prince William shared the immense pain of losing his mother as well as the state of his mental health while he was a pilot of air ambulance.

He noted that his work left him with "a very depressing, very negative feeling, where you think death is at hand wherever I go," adding, "It's a burden to wear and to feel. You are dealing with families who have the worst news of their lives – day-to-day. "

The experience, he said, has resulted in a "raw emotion," adding, "I just thought I was listening, I could not – I could feel it melting inside me and I could feel that it was going to cause casualties and be a real problem. . I had to talk about it … when we see someone at the door of death, surrounded by his family, it is very difficult to describe.

He emphasized the importance of sharing emotions

During the discussion, Prince William also said that it should be acceptable to discuss mental health issues with ease, explaining: "We are nervous about our emotions, we are sometimes a little embarrassed. "

He continued: "Britain has stiff upper lip, it's great and we need it occasionally occasionally very hard, but there must be a time for that. But otherwise, we have to relax a bit and be able to talk about our emotions because we are not robots. "

Prince William and Princess Diana
Prince William and Princess Diana | Tim Graham / Getty Images

He felt "unparalleled pain" when Princess Diana passed away

The presenter of the documentary, Dan Walker, asked William to have had these discussions and the duke presented his point of view on the death of his mother when he was just 15 years old. He said:
understand why I feel like I do it but I think that when you're grieving at a very
young age, at any time, but especially young, I can resonate
up close, you feel pain like no other. "

He added, "And you know that in your life, it's going to be
very hard to find something that is going to be a pain even worse
only that."

Despite the immense loss in his country, he found a connection with others, sharing: "It also brings you closer to all those who have been bereaved," explaining that you can see "in their eyes "when talking to someone who has lost a loved one.

He explained: "They want to talk about it, but they want you to go first, they want your permission that in this particular conversation – one by one – it is acceptable to talk about mourning."

Prince William further stated, "This is the problem of mental health, we can all understand it. We see it every day around us … let's talk about it. It would make a big difference. There must be a turning point where we can make people around the world understand that it is acceptable to talk about mental health. We have to normalize the whole conversation. "


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