A pair "solo" meets the campaign of fans of Sequel


Solo Pair responds to the Sequel fan campaign

The other day, the hashtag # MakeSolo2Happen tended on Twitter, the speech being linked to a campaign of supporters to give a sequel to "Solo: a story of Star Wars."

Critics and the general public have generally enjoyed the spin-off, but its troubled production and record-breaking budget of around $ 300 million – combined with the stubborn $ 393 million box office campaign – has led Disney to abandon its anthology film projects in "Star Wars" franchise for some time to come.

Nonetheless, fans turned to social media to express their love for the film, and the subject was sufficiently covered for director Ron Howard and co-writer Jon Kasdan to notice and react. Howard smiled emoji, while Kasdan said more long answer:

"Beyond the recognition and energy galvanized by energy # MakeSolo2Happen on Twitter today. It means a lot to everyone involved and your enthusiasm allows us to continue to defend it! "Because the manufacturer knows that there is a WAR story in a Far Far Away Galaxy that has not been told yet."

The stars of the film, including Alden Ehrenreich, have signed for more than one film, although it is not clear whether we'll see it one day, or another like Donald Glover, reproducing their roles.

The next film of the saga is "Star Wars: The Ascension of Skywalker", which begins December 20. It seems that apart from television, the franchise remains temporarily suspended. Earlier this week, Kathleen Kennedy, head of Lucasfilm, told Vanity Fair that the break was necessary because the franchise would not work the same way as Marvel and his multi-movie releases a year have:

"I think Disney's expectations are bigger. On the other hand, I think that Disney is very respectful of what it is, and from the beginning, we talked about the fragility of this form of narration. Because it's something that matters so much to fans that you can not make it a kind of factory approach. You can not even do what Marvel necessarily does, where you choose characters and create new franchises around these characters. It must evolve differently. "

The films may be taking a break, but the franchise will continue to produce other content, such as the TV series "The Mandalorian" and the game "Jedi: Fallen Order" in November, as well as others. series in preparation for Disney + next year.

The next film after 'Rise' will arrive in 2022. It is generally expected to be a trilogy of the director Game of Thrones, David Benioff and DB Weiss who, unsurprisingly, has already made subject of an online petition claiming his withdrawal from the franchise as a result of divisional reactions sparked by the last season of 'Thrones'.


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