A panel from Intel House will hold a hearing on the Mueller Report


Adam Schiff, Chairman of the House Intelligence, announced Friday that his committee would hold a public hearing on the "counter-intelligence implications" of the first volume of the Mueller report, which focused on Russia's interference in the 2016 elections and contacts between the Trump team and Russian officials.

The hearing will include two former FBI officials: Stephanie Douglas and Robert Anderson, both former FBI officials. Neither have worked on the investigation of the special advocate himself.

The Intelligence Committee hearing will follow a Judiciary Committee hearing Monday in the House with a similar format to discuss Volume Two of the Mueller Report on the obstruction investigation. This hearing will feature White House lawyer Nixon John Dean, who is also a contributor to CNN.

Democrats are also planning a vote in the House on Tuesday to begin a civil contempt case against Attorney General William Barr and former White House lawyer Don McGahn, so that he "s not guilty. they go to court to enforce their subpoenas.

The two hearings take place as both committee chairs declare that they still want Mueller to testify: publicly before the Judiciary Committee and in camera with the Intelligence Committee. Mueller said he would not testify – "The report is my testimony," he said last month – but Nadler and Schiff both said they still wanted to talk to Mueller and would assign it if necessary.

The hearings are also taking place as Democratic leaders grapple with a growing number of plain-speaking members who are pleading for the House to begin a dismissal investigation against President Donald Trump. Nadler also lobbied House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi for her to start a dismissal investigation, but she did not hesitate to assert that it was too early to consider an impeachment.

Nadler and Schiff hope the hearings will help draw the public's attention to the contents of the 448-page Mueller Report, which some Democrats said was lost in the House's fight against the Justice Department to obtain the full report and the underlying evidence.

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"The purpose of our committee will be to explain to the American people the serious counter-intelligence issues raised by the Mueller report, to examine the scope and magnitude of immoral and unpatriotic behavior that He describes and proposes normative solutions to prevent this from happening again, "said Schiff. in a statement Friday.

Both of Wednesday's hearing witnesses had a long career at the FBI. Douglas, director of the security and compliance company Guidepost Solutions, was deputy director of the FBI's National Security Directorate. Anderson, now CEO of Cyber ​​Defense Labs, was Deputy Director of the FBI Criminal, Cyber, Response and Services Division.


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