A patriotic song of the "trade war" becomes viral in China


These trade wars may not be so easy to win, despite what President Donald Trump has said. A "hyper-patriotic" song about China's "trade war" to America has become viral now that Trump has increased tariffs on $ 200 billion of Chinese goods.

The song "Trade War" was written by Zhao Liangtian, a retired Chinese official, who claims to have 200,000 followers on his social media account, Channel News Asia reported.

The lyrics urge the Chinese to stay firm and support Chinese companies.

"Commercial war! Not afraid of the scandalous challenge! A trade war is taking place over the Pacific Ocean, "say the lyrics. "If the author wants to fight, we will defeat him."

The music and the accompanying video are reminiscent of the Mao Zedong era, with Chinese soldiers marching, explosions and a great fist. The song is taken from a well-known anti-Japanese propaganda song dating back to the war and dating back to the 1960s, titled "Tunnel War," the BBC reported.

The song was originally published in a group of WeChat messages called "The Writers of China in the World".

"Support national products, boycott Western products !!!", commented on social media. Another person said it was the new ring of his Huawei cell phone (a brand that was blacklisted by the Trump administration).

Composer Zhao told AIIC, "We want to let the American people know that we would like to talk and we want to build good relations … but do not impose unequal treaties on us. The Chinese people woke up and got up.


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