A police officer fires on a shooting in New Haven near Yale University


A police officer involved in a shootout near the campus of Yale University led nearly a week of protests. unlike any other high-level shootings of Unarmed African-AmericansProtesters at Yale said that this case did not concern race, but police training.

Protesters stormed the streets of Hamden, Connecticut on Sunday. It was the sixth consecutive day of passionate but peaceful protests since an officer had been involved in a shootout on Tuesday in New Haven.

The surveillance video given to WFSB-TV, affiliated with CBS, seems to show the moment when the police hired a car that, according to her, corresponded to the description of a car related to an armed robbery. In the video, Hamden police officer, Devin Eaton, jumps out of his SUV, gun in hand, firing several shots into the car, before heading off to the street.

yale-shooting.png "height =" 324 "width =" 620 "class =" lazyload "data-srcset =" https://cbsnews1.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2019/04/21/c378c3c5- 14e2-4c3d-a932-19752133bc50 / thumbnail / 620x324 / f7b5de7207fea328085f5f57b3b84c6b / yale-shooting.png 1 "srcset =" data: image / svg + xml, 3Csvg% 20xprod% 2F2000% 2Fsvg% 20viewBox% 3D & # 39 0% 200% 20620% 20324% 2F% 3E "/></span><figcaption class=A screenshot of the surveillance video showing a police officer from Hamden, Connecticut, shooting two unarmed victims on Tuesday, April 16, 2019.


Stephanie Washington, 22, and her boyfriend, Paul Witherspoon, 21 years old. Both were not armed.

Washington was hit in the face by a life-threatening injury. Witherspoon was not hurt.

The video does not show what led to the shooting, but authorities said the officers questioned, Terrance Black police officer from Eaton and Yale University, began shooting when Witherspoon was suddenly pulled out of the vehicle.

Both officers were put on administrative leave during the investigation of the incident. Some protesters insist that this is another example of African-Americans unjustly targeted by police.

"I think it's very important that people denounce, especially for the injustice against people of color," said one protester.

yale-protest.png "height =" 303 "width =" 620 "class =" lazyload "data-srcset =" https://cbsnews3.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2019/04/21/a0b9d77a- da95-45c8-9597-626a55c8d8f9 / thumbnail / 620x303 / e62cb669e3a17ca2df892ec2ad6ac899 / yale-protest.png 1x "in progress"% 2F2000% 2Fsvg% 20viewBox% 3D & 0% 200% 20620% 20303 & # 39;% 2F% 3E "/></span><figcaption class=A screen capture taken of a sequence of protesters marching after the shooting of two unarmed African-Americans near the campus of Yale University in Connecticut.


Rodney Williams, Witherspoon 's uncle, said the shootout illustrated a national problem that was not about race, but about maintaining order.

"You have to watch what's really going on with the police … really look at how the police look at the residents' period," he said. "The police could be black, white, Puerto Rican … it's just a police case … I think we have to be respected as human beings and I've got it. impression that they do not really do it. "

The Connecticut State Police has announced its intention to disclose more details of its investigation, including a video with a body camera, later this week.

Hamden Mayor Curt B. Leng promised to strengthen police training and public dialogue.

Meanwhile, protesters say they will not stop walking down the street until both officers involved in the shootings are fired.

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