A radical proposal to re-elect Donald Trump in 2020


The economy created 263,000 jobs in April and the unemployment rate is only 3.6% – the lowest level since 1969! In addition to the news of better than expected GDP last month, it is now clear that President Donald Trump is overseeing an economy in crisis.
And yet, despite all the successes of the economy – and the fact that a majority of Americans (56%) give it credit for its management of the nation's finances – Trump's affiliation ratings remain in the years 40, a danger places to be for a president in office who draws up a re-election bid.

Which brings me to a radical idea that I've been advocating for a while now: Trump's best chance of winning would be to stop posting statements – or tweets – about anything other than the economy. And to reduce ALL statements and tweets to about once a day.

No report Mueller. No names of potential Democratic candidates. Not anything – other than tweeting or talking about the current state of the economy. And do this once a day.

Yes, such a strategy could raise accusations that Trump is hiding from the media. Or that it's far away from things such as building the border wall that its base values ​​very clearly.

But such an extreme approach to his public statements would also give Trump the best chance of bridging the gap between those who think he's doing a good job for the economy (a majority of the public) and those who approve his work. overall (43% in the latest CNN-SSRS survey).

This discrepancy seems to be very clear from the fact that people simply do not like Trump and his overall approach – bragging, intimidation, and so on. – at work. What better way to ensure that people focus on the part of the Trump presidency than they like (the economy) than to minimize the part they do not like ( Trump personally)?

To be clear: This will never happen. Trump is not capable of the kind of discipline needed. And, even though he was there, other problems would probably crop up and, as president, he and his advisers would feel compelled to address them.

But, I propose it to argue this point: the biggest hurdle to a second Trump term is his personality and his office behavior.

Point: A republican president with fewer divisions – and less abnormal – with the same economic record for more than two years of his mandate, would remain in the cards to be reelected. Trump, because he's Trump, is not.

And now, the week in 33 tracks:

On Monday






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