A show dog was about to retire. Then she disappeared at Atlanta Airport


Gale, a 22-month-old Staffordshire Terrier, was traveling with his masters after attending a dog show in Louisville, Kentucky on Saturday.

Officials said Gale had escaped from her checkout in the airfield while airport employees were loading her into the loading bay of a KLM flight.

"They were waiting at the boarding gate, about to get on the plane, when they were called to the office and said that the crate was empty," said CNN, the dog's owner. , Floris Van Essen. "We were all panicked to be honest."

The Louisville Dog Show was Gale's last event before his retirement to live with the full-time Van Essens, the owner said.

Pilots spotted Gale on airfield Monday around 3:30 am Monday, said airport spokesman Andy Gobeil.

Authorities have set up a trap (containing food) to catch it, he said.

"KLM expresses its deepest regret and actively collaborates with the Atlanta airport in search of the dog," the airline said in a statement to CNN.

Van Essen and his wife flew to Amsterdam separately.

He said that they appreciate the efforts of everyone involved.

"Everyone willing to help, volunteers, everyone at the airport," he said. "It was warm to the heart."


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