A spill of coffee in the flight of the cockpit



It's like spilling coffee in your car, but worse. Coffee spilled on a dashboard forced an aircraft carrying 326 passengers and 11 crew members between Germany and Mexico to head for Ireland. Uncovered cups of coffee had been brought to the cockpit for the crew, USA today reports, and the captain put his on his serving tray. The cup was knocked over, covering the captain's audio control panel, which "became very hot and failed and there was a burning smell in the cockpit," a British agency reported. The co-pilot's side panel started to heat up and a button started to melt before the panel stopped working. The plane then went to Shannon instead of Cancun. According to the report, no one was hurt, adding that the smoke had dissipated even though there was a "residual burning smell". The plane landed safely after spilling fuel over the ocean Irish Times.

An investigation by a British agency revealed that it was the coffee that had knocked out the pilot's control panel during the flight on 6 February, but it had not made it possible to determine the cause of the driver's failure. co-pilot's sign. The aircraft was an Airbus A330-200 series operated by Condor owned by Thomas Cook. The conclusions of the coffee cup included appropriate recommendations for aircraft cockpits and car front seats. "A well-secured lid" on the cup could have reduced leaks, the report said, noting that most of the coffee had fallen on the pilot's lap. The airline now needs lids on the mugs. The aircraft manufacturer suggests using the cup holder, but the cups of this flight did not fit the cup holder well; they were too small to be removed easily and safely. Also beware of serving platters, says the report, which appear to be "a natural place to have a drink momentarily". But the cups are not secure and can easily be reversed, he warned. (Read more cockpit stories.)


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