A St. Louis officer pleads not guilty to the alleged murder of another officer at a murderous party


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By David K. Li

Supporters of a murdered police officer from St. Louis mocked the murderer of his accused, a police officer shortly after he had pleaded not guilty to charges related to the deadly shooting.

Nathaniel Hendren, 29, was indicted last week by a grand jury of manslaughter and criminal acts armed for the shooting of the agent Katlyn Alix, who died on the 24th. January.

Hendren received cries of "Lock him! Lock him! Lock him!" as he was crossing a courthouse in St. Louis County after his brief preliminary hearing.

St. Louis police officer Katlyn Alix was killed in a shootout on January 24, 2019.St. Louis Police Department

"We want justice for Katy, we want justice for Katy!" shouted one of Alix's supporters.

Hendren is under house arrest with a deposit of $ 100,000.

Alix, Hendren and another officer on duty were at Hendren's apartment in the early morning when they played a deadly game: they pointed a loaded revolver and fired a shot at him. Another, pulling the trigger, announced the police.

Alix, 24, was shot in the chest before being transported to St. Louis University Hospital, where she died shortly thereafter.

Following the shooting, St. Louis police chief John Hayden asked the commanders to watch the officers on the ground more closely and find out where they were.

Hendren was suspended from the force.


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