A strange man attracts 76 players in a deadly labyrinth


Screen capture: Vault101manguy (Imgur)

The role play has always been where Fallout 76 the most promising, and nothing better to illustrate this than a stranger in a nightgown wandering the Appalachians in search of new victims to bring back into his homemade maze.

As spotted by Jeuxradar, a player named Korindabar built a labyrinth in Fallout 76 concrete and scrap. Other players are invited to try to solve it in exchange for price. Korindabar accomplishes this by browsing the map and greeting the new low level players, throwing them all sorts of welcome emotions until they begin to follow him. He then takes them back to the labyrinth, opens the door and lets them in.

What people do not know is that Korindabar's Deathclaw pet is inside.

Taming wild animals is one of many parallel activities open to high-level players. Fallout 76. This requires maximizing two bonus cards: Wasteland Whisperer, which gives you a chance to calm enemies every time you shoot them, and Animal Friend, who does the same for the animals. Having both the maximum and at least six points of charisma will turn almost every monster in the game into your pet. This includes the Deathclaw, one of the player's deadliest creatures.

In an article on Reddit, Korindabar said that it had taken him about three days of server hopping to successfully tame a Death Claw and bring him back to defend his camping labyrinth. Fortunately, pets follow the same PVP rules as players, so they can not do more than slap damage dealt to other players unless other players shoot first.

Of course, not everyone knows it, and even those who do it tend to forget it when they find a Death Claw standing five feet away in a narrow hallway. I hope you left a trail of breadcrumbs to find your way!


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