A terrified Will Smith tried stand-up comedy for the first time and honestly? Not bad


You can think of Will Smith as a famous actor of comics, known for his roles in Coupling, The prince of Bel-Air, or the next Aladdin.

So you may be surprised to learn that the biggest fear of the 50 year old star is to make sense of humor.

But Smith decided to embark on comedy for the first time in the last episode of his show Facebook Watch Will Smith's Bucket List, in which the actor confronts his fears abreast by skydiving and swimming with sharks.

"What's crazy is that I'm more nervous about getting up than jumping to the elastic band from a helicopter over the Grand Canyon," said the star in the Wednesday episode.

Smith explained that unlike music, where the audience could sing if you forget the lyrics, stand-up "if you stutter [or] you stumble, if there is a moment when your heart beats … they see it. "

Thus, Smith enlisted "the master", Dave Chappelle, who congratulated Smith to confront his fears.

"It's a fucking beautiful way of life," Chappelle told Smith, "but what's so admirable about it is that even I seldom go out of my comfort zone. "

Chappelle has revealed one thing that makes him scared: playing in front of Eddie Murphy.

"I do not make myself a star or shit," he says to Smith, "but something about when I see him in the audience, it hurts me about myself

Chappelle shared three tips with Smith on how to win a humorous audience: be confident, "choose the right shit to talk about" and "be interesting all the time".

Although Smith may have seemed a little nervous as he opened for Chappelle in front of a sold-out crowd, he obviously took the comedian's advice to heart and joked about his own family.

In an instant, he told a hilarious anecdote about his father's call after the box-office success of Independence Day (1996).

In another story of all the projects on which his famous family works, Smith asked the audience if he was looking Red talk, the Facebook Watch show hosted by his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith.

"You can enjoy it," he told the crowd, "because it does not say everything you do!"

But the joke quickly became a little awkward since Smith admitted that he was not expecting his wife to actually be in the audience when presenting the reply.

"I did not expect to have to say it in front of you!" he says, looking a little confused. "I never imagined you would be there."

"Will!" Chappelle then shouted off the stage. "Stand at the script!"


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