A Texas doctor said that American Airlines had almost fired a robbery for an "inappropriate" person | American Airlines


The dress code of American Airlines does not prohibit dabblers or any specific clothing, it simply tells passengers to "dress appropriately; barefoot or offensive clothing is not allowed", according to his website.

However, the NAACP warned travelers in 2017 that American Airlines had recently had incidents involving African-American passengers.

"The NAACP has been monitoring for several months a series of disturbing incidents reported by African American passengers, specific to American Airlines," said the NAACP in a statement in 2017. "In light of these clashes, we took the notice today to warn travelers – especially African Americans – to be warned, as booking and boarding flights on American Airlines could subject them to disrespectful, discriminatory or dangerous conditions. "

The NAACP lifted the notice several months later after the airline accepted a series of changes.


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