A ton of classic games are coming to Nintendo Switch – Slog


Here we go again

Here we go again Nintendo

The next few months of Nintendo Switch releases look a lot like the early years of the 2000s. This afternoon Nintendo gave us a little sneak peek at the biggest games on the platform this spring and summer, and although there are has a handful of new titles in there (Monster Hunter Rise, yes, very exciting, very good), there are also a lot of “hey, I remember playing that on PS1.”

For example, the years 1999 Legend of mana is back, with great art. Capcom is offering us an “Arcade Stadium”, available for purchase today, which includes Forgotten worlds, Bionic Commando, Ghouls n Ghosts, etc. And by jumping in time a bit, we get a reissue of Skyward Sword … And maybe this time they fixed the control scheme so that you don’t constantly get frustrated with motion control not getting what you expect?

Either way, we can divide today’s reveals into two categories, “New Games” and “Games you’ve played before”. I picked three of my favorites out of each that I think deserve your attention.


Of everything coming out on Switch in the next few months, Monster Hunter: Rise is probably the most anticipated. This series is huge huge huge in Japan, and Monster Hunter World landed in the United States, attracting many more fans to the franchise. I have a written here on what’s fun Monster hunter, but the short version is it’s like a series of giant boss fights, interspersed with cute little dress-up dolls. In today’s live, we got a glimpse of a few new maps (desert and volcanic environments), a bunch of new monsters, and a little more preview of the new ‘rampage’ mode in ascend. It appears to be a tower defense setup, with online multiplayer teams trying to stop monsters from charging into closed arenas. Well done all around that.

I am also intrigued by Project triangle strategy, and not just because Square Enix has really gone above and beyond in the terrible name department. The game is coming out in 2022, but they’ve already made a demo available, which is crazy; it looks like an extremely pretty tactical RPG – essentially an evolution of Final Fantasy Tactics, you play on a multi-level grid with team members taking turns to choose their positions. You know, like chess, but After complicated. Go get the demo today; I’ll be absolutely shocked if it’s not fantastic.

The other upcoming game that caught my eye is Splatoon 3, about which we know virtually nothing. It looks like you’ll get a “Little Buddy” – a customizable little lizard – which is enough to turn me on. Nintendo has teased some new weapons and areas, as you might expect. This is another one coming in 2022, so no need to worry about that just yet.


The infrequent new titles have been eclipsed a bit in this Direct by all the games you’ve played before. Or, if you want to watch it more generously, games that you wanted to play that you just haven’t played in for the past two decades.

I think the game that most people will be happy to see is Fall guys. Available on various other platforms, it’s finally coming to Switch this summer. I’m not huge Fall guys fan; this is all a bit too hit and miss for me, with a skill cap that I just find frustrating. But that’s not really the point of the game for most players! Last year it turned out to be an invaluable waste of time for friends who can’t get together in person, and I hope it can continue to fill that need now that it’s on an additional platform. . No word on whether to offer cross play, so Switch players can play with their friends on PC. (I’m skeptical that such a feature will be available when Switch launches, but you never know.)

I’m also excited to see new content coming soon. Animal Crossing: New horizons. This time, they’re releasing new Mario-themed content in the game, starting March 1. Most of them are just really, really cute, but the real game changer is the introduction of warp pipes. They are functional! Soon you will be able to warp around your island without having to drag your adorable ass over half a dozen bridges. I can’t wait to see the great innovations this will make possible. (If you’re looking for inspiration, follow my favorite Animal Crossing streamer, Mike Cheb.)

Hell is also coming to Switch, but not only Hell – Nintendo bragged about having a ‘physical release’, which is a coincidence as that’s what the game has provided me with since launch. Released on March 19, the game will come with a cute art book featuring cute prints of the pretty prince of the underworld and all of his family members. It’s nothing you couldn’t have produced yourself with glossy paper and a color printer, but it’s a cute little fetish to hold onto.

And then there is Skyward Sword. When this game came out ten years ago, they really wanted to prove that motion controllers were a staple of gameplay, so you had to rotate the controller to use the sword and push the air with the joycon to raise your shield. It worked… okay. Not great. When I was playing, the game always misinterpreted my inputs, making Link look a little drunk, waving his arms in a weird way that didn’t make sense. With this reissue, they added the ability to switch from motion control to button control, which… thank you GOD.

There are a bunch of other games that will drop over the next few weeks – almost all of the back-catalog titles re-releases – and I’ll have more writing and recommendations on those as we go. let’s move closer to the date of the street.

For now, I remember the days when I was snooping around the Oculus store, looking at the games available to play in VR, and rolling my eyes (which made me extremely dizzy inside the headset) when I saw this Myst is available for $ 30. I feel like I bought this game once a decade before some of you were born; and while I’m happy to see vintage games coming to Switch, I get a little ‘not yet’ twinge every time I open my wallet for a game I already own on another platform.


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