‘A-Train Ripper’ parent once freed him from prison – and now wishes they hadn’t


The father of the accused “A-Train Ripper” once freed his son from prison, even after the ugly kid allegedly beat him and threatened to kill him with a knife – and now the parents say they would liked that the suspect was left behind bars.

“It would have been better for all of us, and for him too, to keep him in jail,” Oscar Lopez told the New York Post of his murderous brother, Rigoberto Lopez, on Monday.

Rigoberto, 21, confessed to stabbing two people to death and injuring two others in a random rampage on A trains in New York City over the weekend, police said.

The homeless man had been arrested at least four times previously, including for hitting his father on the left knee with a stick in September 2019, authorities and his family said.

“My dad didn’t want to give him $ 20 to eat. [Dad] said, “I can give you food, but I don’t want to give you money, because I know what you want to use the money for,” “recalls Oscar, who lives in the Bronx.

“I don’t know what he was smoking, but I know it wasn’t weed,” Rigoberto’s brother said. “He was addicted to this shit, and that’s why he wanted money.”

Rigoberto was arrested for hitting his father “with a wooden stick on the back of the left knee, causing redness, swelling and bruising on the inside of the left knee and pain,” according to a criminal complaint.

Bad seed was charged with assault and aggravated harassment, and while prosecutors asked for $ 500 bail, the judge released the defendant on his own recognizance.

A week later, Rigoberto tried to hit his father again for money – threatening: “I’ll kill you with a knife” if the dough was not delivered, according to court documents and police sources.

The son was charged with a felony of criminal contempt. Prosecutors asked for $ 2,000 bail – but Rigoberto was again MMR.

The abusive man eventually landed behind bars when he drove to his father’s Manhattan workplace the following month, violating a protection order – and held up a wooden stick, cutting his eyes, cutting her off. top lip and hand of a cop while resisting arrest, court documents and sources say.

Rigoberto has been charged with criminal assault against a police officer. Prosecutors requested a cash bond of $ 10,000 or a bond of $ 30,000. However, the judge set the cash bond at $ 5,000 and the bond at $ 7,000 for the suspect.


“My father was crying when [Rigoberto] was in prison. We were all crying, we all wanted him to come out, ” Oscar said.

“I said, ‘Let me talk to the lawyer and see if we can get him out.’ I contacted the lawyer on the phone… and he told me what we had to pay to get him out.

“I said to my dad, and my dad said, ‘OK, let’s do it.’ We went to court and paid the bond and took him out the same day. “

Rigoberto was arrested again just under a year later for criminal drug possession – after cops answered a call from an emotionally disturbed person in Washington Heights, Manhattan, and found him with 48 bags glass of cocaine, according to court records and sources.

He was charged with fifth degree drug possession and released on probation, as prosecutors requested.

A spokesperson for the state courts administration office, Lucian Chalfen, told the Post on Tuesday that judges who released Lopez in previous cases could not have foreseen what he is now accused of.

“The Monday morning quarterback, justice misses the point,” Chalfen wrote in an email. “The sum of the previous arrests of this defendant does not give an overview of the judge, although [jurists] were legally allowed to consider it, in what happened on train A.

“Judges of the Criminal Court are only authorized to make indictment decisions, regarding the release on bail and detention of an accused, on the case immediately before them. The legislator provides the guide rails that the judiciary follows.

Oscar Lopez said his brother was living at the home after being released from his last previous fight with the law – but was incredibly ungrateful, complaining about the home and intimidating everyone around him.

“When he got out of jail he told us we didn’t help him. I said, ‘Listen. I have done everything to help you, ”Oscar said.

“’I bought you food, I bought you clothes. You want to walk into the street, that’s what you’re going to have. I have my own things to do.… You’re not a baby anymore, ‘”he said as he told Rigoberto.

“One day, [Rigoberto] told us, “I hate you all with all my heart,” Oscar said.


“I said to my father, ‘You were crying because he was in prison, now you want him to come back to prison. What’s the point of taking it out and spending all that money for no reason? ‘

Oscar said his brother “always complained about the way the house was run.

“He wanted the house the way he wanted it. And I said, ‘Look, you don’t pay rent, you don’t pay bills here. So don’t do anything. Just stay in your room. I have the right. to do anything here, to change anything.

“He was still fighting with my older brother, but he was talking, talking, talking,” Oscar said.

“Once he broke one of my phones. He threw it in the window and broke the window and the phone, ”he said of Rigoberto.

“He was trying to beat me, and I said, ‘I’m here, what are you going to do?’ And he didn’t do anything, I told him, “I’m going to call the police,” and he left because he was afraid.

“Two days later, he came back to get his clothes. He called me at 2 a.m.

“We walked into my room and he said, ‘Do you see these clothes? You have to put them the other way around. ‘ I said, “Look, these are my clothes, I put them on how I want, not how you want. This isn’t your home anymore.”

“He spoke, spoke, spoke. I said, ‘Look, I’m going to call the police.’ He said, ‘Call the police, I don’t care.’ “

Then “he said,” Do you want me to kill you? “I said, ‘I’ll give you a knife.’ I put the knife in his hand and said, “Do what you have to do.”

“He said, ‘No you’re my brother I’m not going to do that, you help me a lot,'” Oscar said. “I said, ‘So why are you talking like that, that you’re going to kill me?’ “

The suspect, who has been hospitalized at least twice for mental health issues, stayed at home during the COVID-19 outbreak in the spring of 2020 – and had a social worker, but she was unable to visit due to virus, Oscar said.

“I spoke to his social worker,” the brother said. “She said the only help he was going to get was over the phone. I said, “This is not going to help. He has big problems. He is frustrated. “


Rigoberto left home in May or June, ending up on the streets and then in a Brooklyn homeless shelter, where he was living during the weekend frenzy.

He was charged with first degree murder on Monday and held without bail.


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