A Wisconsin school district is under the spotlight of a coach who gives out-of-the-box rewards to high school slamming cheerleaders


Professional cheerleaders subject to degrading and objectifying assessments and general treatment are, if at all, worthy. Frankly, it's probably old hat at all levels, but whatever it is, this Wisconsin story is a useful reminder of the number of coarse shit cheerleaders – and women and girls in sport, and women and girls of all ages, and women and girls everywhere – still to be treated. At the team's annual banquet, the cheerleaders at Tremper High School were invited to a prize-giving ceremony that paid disconcerting attention to their physical proportions, to the horror of many parents and members. faculty of the school. By a New York Times report:

There was the Big Boobie award for the girl with the biggest boobs. According to several parents among the 100 people present, the coach who awarded the prize jokingly said that the girl risked a commotion when she showed up because of her "huge breasts". There had been a Big Booty award for another girl. In a video of the event, held in a local food court, the coach presenting the award said, "We love his buttocks. Everyone loves her buttocks. "

The String Bean Award was given to a freshman who, as Tremper Cheerleader School Administrator Patti Uttech later said, was "so light and lean".

As expected, at least four adults reportedly complained about the school principle and school district administrators. The school coach called the awards "extremely degrading for women"; a mother who attended the awards called the awards "so bad, in many ways". The banquet took place in March 2018; We are now at the end of February 2019, and the entire school district must show that it is "a clear expectation" that coaches who give fictitious rewards to high school kids for things like having "d & # 39; "Huge breasts" are "not acceptable". awards, a woman named Patti Uttech, defended them with a familiar and depressing language:

"We understand that we are in a politically correct world these days, but we like to have fun and keep things clear," Ms Uttech wrote in the main proceedings.

Ah, the scourge of political correctness is still striking, this time targeting school officials who awarded the "Big Boobie" and "Big Booty" awards to teenagers at a public ceremony in front of an assembly of students and their students. parents. Hard to imagine that anyone other than PC police and feminazis have problems with this kind of thing. For all the others, it's a little fun! Hey, while we are here:

Two cheerleaders spoke with The Times with permission from their parents and described their feelings when the coaches handed out the prizes. None of the girls have won one.

One of them said, "When the girl accepted the Big Boobie Award, what do you think everyone was looking in the room? I'd be dead. "

The ACLU reportedly contacted the Kenosha Unified School District on Tuesday on behalf of the school's cheerleaders, who, according to the ACLU, would still be subjected to "harassing language" in the same way in reporting practices. Read that and cry.


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