A woman from upstate New York mutilated to death by her own dogs


A woman in northeastern New York died after being assaulted at her home by one or the other of her dogs, police said Monday.

Arlene Renna, 67, was found unconscious on the floor of her living room by her husband at around 4pm. Saturday, when he returned home to Pleasant Valley, state police said.

Renna succumbed to his injuries on the scene. Police said the injuries corresponded to a dog attack.

The two coonhounds were taken by the SPCA of Dutchess County and a judge will decide their fate, police said.

According to the American Kennel Club, it is unclear for how long the couple has the hunting dogs, which are generally "nice, sweet and sociable".

Details about what might have motivated the attack were not immediately available, but the police said they found no evidence of a criminal act.

In a devastating Facebook message, Renna's former husband, John Taylor, announced that his high school girlfriend had died "accidentally at home" on the 31st birthday of their daughter Jillian.

"It's nothing short of a nightmare," Taylor wrote. "Arlene was the kindest, sweetest, most generous and wonderful woman, there was no better mother, no better grandmother."

Prior to becoming a social worker, Renna had a long career in the public service, including Nurse and Non-Profit Parenting Education Department, Center for Parents and Children, before becoming an assistant. social.

She and Taylor have been married for 21 years and have had three children before they separate and they both remarry, he said.

"All she's done, she's done for others," Taylor wrote. "People like Arlene can never be replaced, they can only live in our hearts forever, and we should all learn by their example to be better people, to try to be more like them."


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