Aaron Rodgers apparently ready to make the "Game of Thrones" cameo in the penultimate episode of the HBO series


The Stark family will not be the only person in the North to participate in "Game of Thrones" this week, as Aaron Rodgers of the North NFC should make an appearance on Sunday in what will be the penultimate episode from the HBO series. .

Will he throw a spear into Cersei's heart a hundred yards away? Will it bring winter to King's Landing? Will he kill a key character like [redacted] did in the third episode of season 8?

It was dangerously close to a spoiler, and it's a story without a spoiler, so I'll stop asking ridiculous questions about the role that Rodgers might play this week.

Whatever the case may be, Rodgers is a big fan of the series and he basically hinted all season that he had an imminent appearance. After the second episode aired in April, Rodgers sent a tweet containing an encrypted hashtag, "# episode5shouldbegood".

And just in case this tweet would not be a sufficient clue to make an appearance, he went out and confessed it during an interview on the red carpet preceding the Kentucky Derby.

Although it is not clear when Rodgers filmed his film, we know that the producers of the series have his phone number, and this, because he did some promo work for "Game of Thrones" just before the beginning of Season 8.

Although Rodgers probably did not have a say on what happened to his character, he has some preferences. In an interview with Dan Patrick in 2018, Rodgers was asked what he would like it to happen in his scene when he was making an appearance someday.

"I really want to be killed or in one of the hot scenes for sure," Rodgers said.

If one of these two things happens to him on Sunday, it's certainly death, and that's because this week's episode is starting to look like a huge battle, which means there's probably going to be a not too hot scenes … we think.

Whatever the case may be, Rodgers has apparently chosen a good episode to make his appearance, as it looks like things will go crazy on Sunday. According to Emilia Clarke, who can see us as a fairly solid source given that she is the actress who plays Daenerys Targaryen, the episode of May 12th will be "foolish".

"Episode 5 is bigger," Clark told Jimmy Kimmel in a recent interview. "Episode 5 is, I mean, four and five and six, they're all crazy, find the biggest TV possible."

Although we do not know what will happen to Rodgers on Sunday, you can bet we'll talk about it next week, because we've recapped every episode of Season 8 of "Game of Thrones" on the Pick Six podcast . . This recap arrives every Tuesday, so be sure to check it out on May 14th. If you want to listen to the recap of last week, be Be sure to click here and scroll up to the mark 34:50 of the podcast.


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