AB takes the bearings without an appointment


NAPA, Calif. – Race courses and passes on Thursday in Arizona to participate in a Saturday morning guided tour of the wine region to become a full-fledged participant on Sunday?

Welcome to the world of Antonio Brown as he completes his first training camp with the Oakland Raiders, while continuing his development with quarterback Derek Carr.

When asked Saturday when he saw Brown become a full-fledged player in training, Raiders coach Jon Gruden said, "I think so, yes."

"He took all the representatives today in our visit, he showed a great retention, and we will see what happens here this afternoon, we are going to make a visit today. We also have a lot of guys who can not practice so we'll pick him up tomorrow. "

As for quarterback Derek Carr, Brown is doing "everything with us just now" bodes well for his own development and is gearing up for the regular season.

"The man's reminder is amazing," said Carr about Brown. "He came in and did not commit any mental error, and in this offense, it's not easy to do.Especially, every time you have a day off … you come back and you're like, you must stay on the offense of coach Gruden You may find that Antonio is studying because he came out and that he did not miss a minute .

"It was part of everything we did today."

Which is far from what Brown did during the two weeks he was away from the team. He only returned last Tuesday while he was seeking treatment for his frozen feet, which had suffered a cryotherapy crisis in France last month. Brown also lost a grievance to wear his old helmet, which is no longer certified, and found a replacement.

And while the Raiders should train on Sunday and Monday before breaking camp and playing a home prep match in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada on Thursday against The Green Bay Packers, few, if any, will play on the artificial turf.

Carr will continue to communicate with Brown on guided tours and, upon return, in practice.

"I can do all my checks and do all that stuff like I would during the season and then … Tyrell [Williams] and [Darren] Waller and our half-forwards and Antonio, they are all face to face, what are you doing, who are you going to? "Said Carr.

"It's the mental game we're going to have to play, me and the coach Gruden … but it's nice to have it and I can play it like a real game and where I would go and what I would do. "


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