‘Abhorrent’: Oregon Governor Kate Brown on Trump’s Treatment of Portland Protesters and Insurgents


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AMY GOOD MAN: Before I go, Kate Brown, I wanted to ask you about the significance of this week. This is the first week of the trial of Derek Chauvin, accused of the murder of Floyd, George, accused of the murder of George Floyd. Portland protesters have taken to the streets for more than three consecutive months after his death. And in response to last year’s protests, Donald Trump tweeted: “Anarchists, abusers or protesters who vandalize or damage our federal courthouse in Portland, or any federal building in any of our cities or states , will be prosecuted under our Statues and Monuments Act. MINIMUM TEN YEARS IN JAIL. Do not do that! he tweeted. Compare that response to how he and the Republicans responded to insurgents on Capitol Hill on January 6.

GOV. KATE BROWN: Well, shame on him. It is appalling, the hypocrisy, the corruption and, of course, the chaos of the Trump administration. In Oregon, we support the right of people to protest peacefully. And frankly, given what is happening in legislatures across the country, we need to use every tool we can to hold legislators accountable. I also work with my local elected officials to ensure that people who do not demonstrate peacefully, who commit arson or property damage, are also held accountable. Shame on Donald Trump.

AMY GOOD MAN: Last summer in Portland, Oregon, a hundred-day protest we saw against racism and police brutality, which resulted in a squad-like assassination by US marshals of anti-fascist activist Michael Reinoehl, can you talk about it?

GOV. KATE BROWN: Absolutely. The actions of the Trump administration were appalling and absolutely heinous in this state. And we have worked with our local law enforcement to eradicate these forces from our state. We want to make sure that Oregonians can continue to protest peacefully, to stand up for those voices demanding change. And we will continue to support these efforts to eradicate racism from our institutions, structures and systems.

AMY GOOD MAN: And do you condemn this murder of this man in the manner of death squads? And have you requested an investigation?

GOV. KATE BROWN: Look, what happened last summer was heinous. We continue to strive to hold federal public servants accountable. I expect you to see changes in the leadership of local federal officials here in the state of Oregon. This is appropriate. And we’re happy to be rid of the corruption, chaos and, frankly, incompetent governance of Donald Trump.

AMY GOOD MAN: Well, Kate Brown, I want to thank you for being with us, Governor of Oregon, National President of Vote from Home.

When we return, we look at the political and pandemic crisis in Brazil. We will speak with Celso Amorim, who served as Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs under Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Stay with us.


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