"Absolutely stupid", we have not banned "magazines that can hold several balls"


Former Vice President Joe Biden criticized President Trump during a stopover in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for not calling for tougher gun control legislation, such as the prohibition of "assault-type weapons" and magazines that may contain more than one bullet.

Biden made his comments after the mass shooting in Odessa and Midland, Texas, where seven people were killed and more than 19 wounded. The day after the shooting, new firearms laws that relaxed some restrictions came into effect in Texas.

"And we're talking about loosening access, disposing of firearms, being able to take them to places where there are warships, I mean, it's absolutely irrational." Is totally irrational, must stop, "said Biden.

"The idea that we do not have the elimination of assault weapons, magazines that can hold several bullets, is absolutely stupid," he said, saying that such a ban would not violate the second amendment.

Most modern firearms have magazines that contain more than one bullet, with a standard magazine for an AR-15 containing 30 rounds. Many gun control supporters want to ban magazines over 10 shots.

The shooter began shooting on Saturday after being stopped by police. During the attacks, the shooter hijacked a mail truck and continued shooting random people and vehicles. The police ended the rampage by shooting him and killing him.

It was later revealed that the shooter had a criminal record in which he had pleaded guilty to criminal trespass and avoided arrest, two offenses committed in Texas. He was not sentenced to imprisonment but to two years of probation.


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