Academy extends list of international Oscar nominations to 15


It’s harder than ever to predict the favorites: the International Executive Committee Academy can’t pick three titles for the list either.

Like many other organizations, the Academy is using the pandemic as an excuse to make long-awaited changes. The list of finalists for Best International Feature – to be announced on February 9, along with eight other category picklists – drops from 10 to 15, meaning more films than ever will be on view for the final nominations vote . In the first phase, each voter participating in the general committee, which is drawn from a bunch of branches of the Academy, has a list of a dozen films that they must see to vote by secret ballot (and give a chance to fight at more obscure characteristics).

The Academy is also, for now, dropping the controversial addition of three handpicked titles (often festival and critical favorites) by the International Executive Committee to the original accounts of the larger General Committee. It will make a lot of people happy. This year, with the expansion of online voting opportunities at the World Academy, votes are no longer limited to a small group of (often) retired attendees at in-person screenings in Los Angeles. This year could reflect a broader perspective, avoiding the need for a more “sophisticated” group to add more tonic titles.

Dan Levine, Mark Johnson and Aaron Ryder

Photo by Rob Latour / Variety / REX / Shutterstock

Longtime foreign-language Oscar czar Mark Johnson instituted the leadership additions when often Oscar majority voters neglected to shortlist the 2007 Cannes Palme d’Or winner “4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days ”. Writers’ Section Governor Larry Karaszewski and Directors Governor Susanne Bier now head the International Feature Film Executive Committee, which is responsible for administering category rules and determining film eligibility. .

“All dates and rules and eligibility issues for the 93rd Academy Awards are subject to change based on national guidelines, state mandated government orders and best practices as determined by the Academy.” said an AMPAS spokesperson.

The old method of voting allowed preliminary voters to choose their top five films, resulting in seven choices. This year, their highest totals will result in 15 films; the 2021 vote takes place from February 1 to 5. For the second ballot, voters must see all 15 films on the shortlist.

All of this leaves publicists tear their hair apart. Not only do they have less means to influence voters, but with the rules changing under their feet, it is also more difficult to predict the outcome. How will a more diverse and international voting pool change the tenor of the results and the second round favor the most popular headlines seen by more voters? Nothing to do but be fascinated by the changes taking place around all of us.

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