Acadia National Park: two hikers found dead after cliff fall


The couple, a 28-year-old man and a 30-year-old woman, appeared to have fallen about 30 meters along strips of ice-covered cliffs on Dorr Mountain, the NPS said.

Their bodies were recovered by park rangers with the help of the Mount Desert Island Search and Rescue Service and a Main Forestry Service helicopter, according to the NPS. NPS rangers and Maine State Police are investigating, with assistance from the Bar Harbor Police Department.

The two hikers had arrived in Bar Harbor, Maine on Tuesday and were last seen on Thursday around noon. The woman had discussed her interest in hiking Cadillac Mountain during a phone call with family members, the NPS said.

The NPS said concerns over their whereabouts escalated on Friday afternoon when the couple did not leave their hotel as scheduled or return to their vehicle. The search began Friday evening after family members reported the couple were late to check in.

The night search involved a Coast Guard thermal imaging helicopter, which unsuccessfully searched for thermal signatures near the Dorr and Cadillac mountains, the NPS said. Researchers on foot discovered the bodies late Saturday morning, authorities said.


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