Accenture selects Julie Sweet as Executive Director


The board of the consulting company


ACN 1.54%

PLC has appointed the company's chief operating officer in North America as the new general manager.

Julie Sweet, 51, will become CEO of Accenture and will join the company's board of directors on September 1st. Since 2015, she has been leading Accenture's operations in North America, a division that accounts for nearly half of the company's revenues. She started at Accenture in 2010 and has also been General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer of the firm.

In an interview, Sweet said the company would continue to evolve the services it offers its customers, including looking at booming trends such as blockchain.

"Our goal will remain to be the transforming partner" of the companies, Sweet said.

David Rowland, 58, Acting CEO of Accenture, will become Executive Chairman.

Rowland, who was previously the company's chief financial officer, led Accenture since his former president and president, Pierre Nanterme, stepped down in January. Mr. Nanterme died on January 31 after being diagnosed with colon cancer in 2016.

Mr. Nanterme has been CEO for eight years. He was the third CEO of the company since 2001. The latter has transferred the company to new areas of consulting, including digital marketing, cybersecurity and data analysis. During his tenure, Accenture spent more than $ 6 billion on more than 100 deals.

In April, Accenture announced the purchase of the Droga5 advertising agency, but did not reveal the terms of the deal. Consulting companies have built design and marketing operations in recent years. The company also announced in April that it would buy the technology consulting firm based in Germany Zielpuls.

Ms. Sweet said that the pursuit of diversified revenue growth would continue to be a priority for the company under her direction.

Accenture reported revenue of $ 41.6 billion for fiscal year 2018, up 13% from the year before. He also announced a profit of 4.06 billion dollars, up 18%. The company employed about 459,000 people at the end of August last year.

Accenture shares have increased 38% since the beginning of the year and 17% over the last 12 months.

Write to Allison Prang at [email protected]

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