According to Ford, autonomous cars will only last four years


SCars driving elves will last only four years, because they will be used so much, predicted a leader of Ford.

John Rich, Chief Operating Officer of Ford Autonomous Vehicles, dismissed concerns that demand for cars would decline in the future.

"What worries me the least in this world is the drop in demand for cars. We will exhaust and crush a car every four years in this business, "he told the Telegraph.

The Detroit-based automaker plans to create a stand-alone fleet that will be used as a service by other companies, used as a delivery vehicle or to transport employees.

Pittsburgh start-up Argo AI, which is developing cars for Ford, is currently testing technology in five cities in the United States, and Ford plans to expand this business into a new 1.2-square-meter facility. Detroit.

Analysts warned that the sector could be affected by a decline in private property, with personal vehicles being replaced by fleets of autonomous vehicles operating as a service.

But Mr. Rich argued that fleets of autonomous cars would be cheaper and more efficient, and would therefore be much more used than private cars currently, which increases wear.

"Every piece of evidence we've seen shows that when you reduce the cost per kilometer, the kilometers traveled increase," he said. "You start helping underserved populations [and] you start moving a lot more people. "

Ford is the world's fifth-largest automaker, but, like its competitors, it faces declining sales, the growing popularity of reputable companies like Uber, and a decline in auto sales among automakers. youth.

Last year, it sold just under 6 million cars worldwide, up from 6.6 million. Automakers have also been hit hard by declining sales in China, the world's largest auto market.

The automaker has announced its intention to turn into a "mobility company", investing in start-ups and buying a scooter business.


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