According to one journalist, police tried to break the door without revealing the source


Journalist Bryan Carmody told the San Francisco Examiner that the police had tried to break his door Friday morning after refusing to identify the source who had provided him with a confidential police report.

Carmody said at the exit that police and FBI agents raided his home and office as he obtained a copy of the police report detailing the death of public defender Jeff Adachi in February.

Two weeks ago, police investigators came to his home to ask him – politely, Carmody noted – to identify the source who had given him the report.

On Friday, investigators confiscated his cell phones, computers and a copy of the police report from the safe in his office.

"They have completely shut down my business," said Carmody, who has worked as a freelance journalist for the Bay Area and national television channels, including Fox News, CNBC and "CBS Evening News."

Carmody accused the police of "intimidation" for "breaking me [journalistic] ethics."

"I refuse to give up my source," he added.

A spokesman for the San Francisco police defended the ministry's actions in a statement obtained by the examiner on Friday, claiming that the warrant had been issued by a judge and that the search was "part of a ongoing criminal investigation into the leak of the Adachi police report ".

"Today's actions are a step in the process of investigating a potential case of obstruction of justice as well as the illegal distribution of a confidential police report," the statement said.

Carmody told the examiner that the police had attempted to use a "hammer" to break the door of his home.

"They were breaking my door at that time, I woke up and let them in," said Carmody, adding that the authorities had taken out guns and searched "my entire house, from the attic to the garage".

Carmody stated that he was held handcuffed for several hours when police took him to his office, where they found the police report in a safe.


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