According to one study, babies from cesarean section are three times more likely to develop autism


Babies born by caesarean section are 33% more likely to develop autism and about 17% more likely to develop ADHD than babies born through natural births, according to a study that examined births to children. about 20 million babies in 19 countries.

The results, based on more than 60 studies since 1999, demonstrated an association between caesarean births and the above-mentioned conditions, but did not prove a direct causal link.

The authors of the study suggested that other factors could affect the results, such as the age of the mother and / or the risk of premature birth of the baby.

In addition, it does not take into account antibiotic exposure after birth, which, according to scientists, could also play a role.

In most cases, caesareans are performed safely and are often planned, but many are unplanned and performed in the best interests of the baby, the mother, or both. For this reason, the health consequences that lead to cesarean birth are probably responsible for the occurrence of such conditions, rather than the actual birth pattern.

Professor Andrew Shennan, professor of obstetrics at Kings College London, told the The telegraph of the day: "The need for cesarean section is often caused by problems that can influence the functioning of the brain, such as a placenta that works poorly. It is highly unlikely that cesarean delivery is itself causal in these mental health conditions, judging by our current understanding of cerebral physiology and the effects of caesarean section.

"Women should not be alarmed by the need for a cesarean section that is often performed to reduce the risk to their baby."

Dr. Pat O. Brien, Consultant Obstetrician and Spokesperson for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, added, "This systematic review and meta-analysis show a connection between cesarean birth, autism, and ADHD, the development of these conditions has not been taken into account.

Therefore, the findings of this article do not show that birth by caesarean section causes autism and ADHD. "

It is estimated that about 1% of the Irish population is affected by autism.


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