According to sources, William Barr could have an abuse report from the FISA Inspector General


Fox News host Sean Hannity said that the Attorney General, William Barr, may have already received the report of the Inspector General of the Department of Justice on the investigation into the alleged violations of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

"Sources tell me that it may have already been handed over to the Attorney General," Hannity said on his Monday night show.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz has not made any public statements about the investigation for months, but Barr said he expects Horowitz to complete the investigation at the end of May. or at the beginning of June.

the Washington Examiner solicited comments from the Department of Justice.

Horowitz began its investigation in March 2018, reviewing the compliance by the Department of Justice and the FBI with legal requirements as well as policies and procedures in applications filed with the US Court of Intelligence over the advisor in Trump's campaign, Carter Page, as part of a larger investigation against President Trump's campaign.

Last month, Hannity said that her sources had told her that the inspector general's investigation was "over and that it's devastating".

At the time, Gregg Jarrett, a legal analyst at Fox News, had said that people likely to be at legal risk are former FBI director James Comey, the former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, former FBI legal adviser James Baker, former FBI special agent Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, "perhaps" the former director of the FBI CIA, John Brennan and former National Intelligence Director, James Clapper, and "certainly" Christopher Steele and co-founder of GPS Fusion, Glenn Simpson.

Barr has instructed US Attorney John Durham to examine the origins of the counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign and, after the publication of the Horowitz report, could determine if there is any to prosecute the persons named there for breaking the law.


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