According to the presidential historian, Ross Perot echoed populist sentiments 25 years before the rise of Trump


According to a presidential historian, the billionaire businessman and independent presidential candidate of 1992, Ross Perot, would have been the predecessor of President Trump in terms of offering a populist anti-establishment message to voters.

Perot, who died Tuesday at the age of 89, was also not the right wing in the election that features in the George HW Bush's re-election campaign has made him a man, said Craig Shirley in "The Ingraham Angle".

"There has always been a populist tension in American politics," Shirley said, calling Perot "prescient" about his comments on NAFTA.

In the early 90s, Perot claimed that the trade agreement would result in a "giant sucking sound" as jobs left the United States.

"You are implementing NAFTA, the Mexican trade agreement, which plans to pay one dollar an hour to people and hear a huge noise from jobs removed from this country," he said. said this man from Texarkana, Texas.


"The main problem facing everyone in the manufacturing sector is this agreement that needs to be put into practice."

In another clip performed by host Laura Ingraham, Perot said that America "can no longer be the policeman of the world".

"We are spending $ 300 billion a year on world defense, and Germany and Japan have spent about $ 30 billion each."

In her interview, Shirley added that Bush's defeat by the then-Governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton, was not due to the fact that Perot had entered the race and had taken part in the debates.

"Bush lost the election because he had abandoned the ghost of the Reagan revolution," he said, adding that a dead Republican pollster had told him that Perot's vote seemed imminent, reported Bush and Clinton proportionally. [without Perot]. "

He added that in both parties, voters did not want to vote for any of the party's leading candidates, calling Perot's statements spoiler "myth."


Ingraham highlighted how Trump managed to win in 2016 largely on a similar, populist and anti-establishment message.

Perot, who garnered 19% of the vote, died Tuesday morning at his home in Dallas, surrounded by his family, said family spokesman James Fuller. The Texan, which earned billions by founding Electronic Data Systems Corp., was seen by admirers as a patriot who served his country well before his two unsuccessful attempts at the White House. In 1979, he funded a private commando raid aimed at releasing two DHS employees detained in an Iranian jail. He was also a tireless advocate for Vietnam veterans.

In 1992, Perot spent more than $ 60 million of his own money on outgoing President Bush and his challenger Clinton, promising to put his business skills at the service of the country's finances. He got the highest percentage of votes for a third party candidate since the 1912 candidacy of former president Theodore Roosevelt.

Perot's second campaign, four years later, was running out of steam, with only 8% of the votes cast and the Reform Party he had founded and hoped to join. a national political force was beginning to collapse.


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