According to the Wisconsin Governor, Foxconn will not reach the goal of 13,000 new jobs


Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers (D) announced on Wednesday that he plans to renegotiate the state's deal with China's Foxconn, as he will not be able to keep the original promise to create the 13,000 jobs in the state.

Mr. Evers told the Milwaukee Sentinel Journal that "the agreement reached was no longer at stake," adding that he would work with the company and the local economic development board for " determine how new parameters should be negotiated. "

The deal with the tech company was made with Evers' predecessor, former governor Scott Walker (R).

Evers did not specify what could be a new deal with the company, although the Sentinel Journal announced that it was considering making changes to the offering transaction to the company until it reached the end of the year. to $ 4 billion for the construction of a facility in the state that would employ up to 13,000 Wisconsinites.

"All we know is that the current contract is about a situation that no longer exists, so our goal is to ensure that taxpayers are protected and environmental standards are respected," he said. -he declares. "And we think we have to look at this contract and see if it needs to be reduced accordingly."

Evers has described this as an unrealistic expectation that the company will employ the initially promised 13,000 people.

Local governments have already put money to secure the company's land, borrowing $ 350 million to date via three separate obligations, according to the media.

Foxconn has not yet received any of the agreed grants as they were to be awarded only after the company had achieved the job creation goals agreed in its contract.

Foxconn's decision to build the facility in Wisconsin would have been made possible only after President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump mourns Bernie Sanders "crazy" after Fox News Trump town hall claims his supporters have been dismissed from Fox News town hall At night, Trump's defense puts an end to role played by the United States in the war in Yemen | Poland is preparing to negotiate on a basis called "Fort Trump" | Iranian legislators vote to call US forces in the Middle East terrorists MORE personally intervened. Trump then extolled this achievement in a message on Twitter and at subsequent gatherings.

Foxconn had already considered the size and scope of his planned project in Wisconsin.


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