Acquisition of Disney-Fox Closing March 20, Disney Announces – / Movie


Disney Fox Deal

The acquisition of Fox by Disney finally materializes. The Walt Disney Company has defined the Disney-Fox closing date of the acquisition for March 20, 2019, almost two years after the first announcement of the historic multibillion dollar deal.

The deadline indicates that Disney has set March 20 in the US as a closing date for its acquisition of key entertainment assets, through a $ 71.3 billion transaction. The date was included in a statement in which Disney said Mexico's regulators had approved the latest major authorizations regarding the transaction.

According to Disney, the acquisition is expected to take effect at 8:02 pm EST on March 20, 2019. 21st Century Fox shareholders will have until Thursday to select the amount of cash and Disney shares to be received, valued at 38 $ share per share. treat.

By December 2017, this acquisition looked promising for $ 52.4 billion – even under these conditions, a price deemed unprecedented under a dubiously legal deal. But the price was finally raised to $ 71.3 billion. Disney finally received approval from the Justice Department despite fears that the deal would be a violation of antitrust laws, but faced some further difficulties on the way to finalization because Comcast forced Disney to increase her offer when she approached Fox offers. Comcast ended up auctioning the Fox, leaving a clear path (though more expensive) to Disney.

The acquisition of Disney-Fox has attracted the attention of the world of pop culture with the imminent incorporation of X-Men and Fantastic Four in the Marvel film universe. However, these elements often obscure the human costs of the transaction, which will almost certainly result in the loss of at least 4,000 employees.

And if the Disney-Fox deal is about to end, it will take years to assimilate the properties and employees of the Fox under the aegis of Disney. So, it may take a while before Wolverine crosses the claws with Black Panther on the big screen.

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