Activision reduces Call of Duty file sizes so you can download more games


Activision is finally doing something about the huge file sizes of recent ones Call of Duty Games. The company announces that the two Modern war and free-to-play Warzone will be much easier on hard drives after the next update. The space savings will vary depending on the platform the game is installed on (and what content packs you have installed), but they will be at least 30GB if you have both full games installed – this which means you will actually have enough room to install another AAA. game if you like.

The update is expected to be released on March 30, but while it may be easier on your hard drive, downloading it won’t be easy over your internet connection. Activision says the Season 2 single update will be bigger than usual (up to 57GB for those just playing Warzone). The good news is that future updates shouldn’t be that big, but you’ll want to keep your data limits in mind.

According to the blog post, the space savings come from optimizing files and “streamlining content packs.” It’s also worth noting that individual content packs can be removed, eliminating game modes you don’t play. For example, you can uninstall single player and special ops if you don’t run Call of Duty play with friends. The blog post mentions that some users will have to reinstall the content packs to get the optimized versions, but Activision was not immediately available to comment on the circumstances that caused it.

The specific space savings for each platform are listed below, but to add a bit of context, let’s say you have Warzone and Modern war installed on your PlayStation 4. After updating you will have freed up enough space to install The witness (4.2 GB) and Ratchet and Clank (26.3 GB) – both of which are now free from PlayStation Store.

Call of Duty Full Game Space Savings

Platform Warzone only War zone + modern warfare
Platform Warzone only War zone + modern warfare
PlayStation 4/5 10.9 GB 30.6 GB
Xbox / One Series 14.2 GB 33.6 GB
Pc 11.8 GB 30.6 GB


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