Actors and Showrunners Respond to News – Deadline


Almost a year later One day at a time Housed at Pop, Gloria Calderón Kellett and Mike Royce’s sitcom based on the iconic Norman Lear original is once again looking for a new home network. News about the show’s cancellation on Pop fell on Tuesday, as stars and creators of the now ex-Netflix and ex-Pop series reacted to the news on social media.

“I’m not sad yet, all of you. We still have some hope for new homes, ”Calderón Kellett tweeted of Sony Pictures TV’s plans to buy the series from other outlets. “Hang in there, my loves. You know if I go down I’m going to sing for this show (with the cast and crew) that I love.

Also sharing the optimism, fellow executive producer and co-showrunner Mike Royce, who noted that the cancellation won’t be the end of the series. Royce, who shared that “a lot has changed at Viacom over the past year,” said he still has plans for a season ahead.

One day at a time the stars also broadcast their feelings on social media.

“Maybe the third network is the charm?” Isabella Gomez wrote on Twitter, adding crossed fingers and a nervous emoji to her post. “Seriously, whatever happens, familia para siempre.”

To see the One day at a time team reactions below.


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