Adam Sandler brings back Happy Gilmore for one last swing



RIP Bob Barker.


Happy Gilmore is 25 today. It’s a terrifying sentence to write.

The film, which starred Adam Sandler as a violent ice hockey player (in a beautiful way) turned golfer, is an all-time comedy classic and for people of a certain generation (my generation ), it is one of the most cited films ever made.

In Happy Gilmore, Happy’s trademark is its golf swing. More like a slapshot, Happy takes a short stuttering footstep and just smacks the ball full with his pilot.

Anyone who lifted a golf club in the late 90s has tried this swing at least once. Including me.

To celebrate Happy Gilmore’s 25th anniversary, Adam Sandler brought Happy Gilmore back for one last swing.

Incredibly Shooter McGavin (played by Christopher McDonald) responded.

He eats pieces of shit like you for breakfast.


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