Adobe accidentally deleted people’s photos in the latest Lightroom update


Over the past two days, photographers have panicked on Twitter, Reddit and the Photoshop comment forums. They’d downloaded Adobe’s latest update for Lightroom’s iOS app, and suddenly their photos and presets were gone. Adobe has now confirmed the problem and it is also said that the data is gone for good.

“I have spoken with customer service for over 4 hours in the last 2 days and just a minute ago they told me the problem had no solution and these lost photos were unrecoverable Complained a Reddit user who claims to have lost more than two years of photo editing. The complaints were spotted by PetaPixel.

“It’s literally the worst,” tweeted another client, who said they lost not only 800 images, but hundreds of dollars in paid presets.

Adobe rep Rikk Flohr acknowledged and apologized for the snafu in a forum post yesterday. Flohr did not address the scope of the issue, although he said the issue only affected assets that were out of sync with the Lightroom cloud. According to Flohr, the company released another update “to prevent this issue from affecting additional customers.”

However, the photos cannot be recovered, according to Flohr. The update will not help anyone who has already been affected.

“We sincerely apologize to all customers who have been affected by this issue,” Flohr wrote.

This isn’t the first time that company errors have caused user photos to disappear: Canon discontinued its “” platform earlier this month after a storage glitch caused loss of some photo and video files. This should serve as a reminder to everyone: back up your data.


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