Adobe Lightroom has a major upgrade coming next month


Starting October 26, Adobe Lightroom is rolling out its new update, with some great new masking features.

Lightroom has been at the heart of photo editing for many years now. Frequent feature updates to make our life easier and help us produce better edited images. With its new update Adobe is introducing some really big changes and in particular with the masking tools which have been well received in Photoshop with the AI ​​powered Select Subject and Sky Replacement.

The existing engine in Lightroom was not as compatible with AI-powered tools, so they readjusted the engine architecture to allow for more creative use of masking features. What did their customers want? More control over edits and selective masks. The Adobe team therefore worked with their clients to re-evaluate how the selections were made in Lightroom.

So what are the new features of masking? Well, for starters, the Paintbrush Tool has been replaced with a new hide button and that’s where the excitement begins. From there, you have the option of selecting the subject or selecting the sky, but it doesn’t stop there. From there, you can create mask groups allowing you to mix and match any other mask tool, including brush, gradient, luminance, and color gamut tools. You also have the option to rename the masks to keep track of your changes.

Watch the video above to see the new masking features in action. Can’t wait to try them out? I know I definitely am. Ride on October 26.


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