AEW All Out Results: Chris Jericho faces Adam Page, Kenny Omega vs. CAP, Cody Vs. Shawn Spears


Welcome to AEW's live coverage by Wrestling Inc. All outside from the Sears Center in Chicago, Illinois. L & # 39; purchase Live coverage prior to the show will begin at 7 pm ET and the main map at 8 pm ET. Wrestling Inc. will also have a WINC podcast right after the show ends!

The event will be broadcast on B / R Live and Traditional PPV for $ 49.99. YouTube of all Elite fights will also be streaming L & # 39; purchase.

– Goldenboy and Exalibur call action for tonight L & # 39; purchase.


Leva Bates, Faby Apache, Kelly Priscilla, Nyla Rose and Shilandra Royale enter

Four go get Rose from the start, she fights them all. Bates was almost sent, but Peter Avalon is putting books on the ring. Kelly with an STO on Apache. Royale, Apache and Kelly are all eliminated, Kelley is thrown over and on the ground. Rose then crushes Bates from the ring. Avalon tries a sneak attack, blows completely and gets out of the ring.

Penelope Ford, Shazza McKenzie, Sadie Gibbs, Big Swole and Britt Baker enter.

Ford immediately removes Rose, jumping from the top rope, turns her elbow into Rose. Big Swole associates it with the discus forearm. Shazza drops it and is knocked on the back of the head by Baker. Gibbs and Rose fighting in the corner. Baker is almost dumped and is able to reverse McKenzie and send him out of the ring. Rose with a double chokeslam, but Big Swole is able to drop her. Crowd with a song "Big Swole". Rose throws it on the apron, a uranage makes it out of the game. Ford then comes to be dropped from the match

Tenille Dashwood, Ivelisse, Bea Priestley, Brandi Rhodes and Awesome Kong enter.

Priestley did not even get to the ring because Baker was chasing her. The two met at Fight for the Fallen. Ivelisse with a cyclone on Gibbs. Dashwood with a double under-hook, sending Ivelisse into Gibbs in the corner, Dashwood with a current crossbody on both. Rhodes is direct Awesome Kong who drops Ivelisse with ease. Gibbs with a dropkick in the back of Kong and she crushes against Brandi. Everyone is teaming with Kong, while Rose focuses on Brandi. Brandi for a punch, no luck, Brandi then avoids Rose and hits a stunner. Kong uses Ivelisse to send Dashwood out of the match (Crowd Boos). She then frees Ivelisse from the ring.

Allie, Nicole Savoy, Teal Piper, ODB and Jazz enter.

Allie goes straight for Brandi Rhodes. Savoy hits a lot of people trying to kill themselves in the ring. ODB with a ball in the ring, Piper with a poke in the eye, and then go to sleep on ODB. Savoy is thrown out of the ring by Rose. Kong eliminated Piper. Still many people in this one like Rose and Kong compete with each other. Jazz enters the fight, ODB also joins the group. "ODB" crowd singing. Awesome Kong and Jazz are eliminated. Brandi is eliminated.

Mercedes Martinez is the last participant.

Martinez hits Spiebuster on Allie, releases suplex overhead, German suplex on Gibbs. Martinez with a brake on Priestley. Strike suso suplex on pink! Rose gets rid of Allie. Rose, Priestley, Gibbs, Martinez and Baker remain in the game. Gibbs is almost sent, strips the cat, and is sent back to four. Baker Slingblade on Priestley. Priestley tries to provoke a hurricane on Rose, rather eat a powerbomb. Baker and Martinez are trying to send Rose. Priestley saves Rose and tries to get rid of the other two. Baker with a superkick to send Martinez. Downstairs to Rose, Baker and Priestley.

Superkicks to Rose, knocks on the knee by Priestley. They try to send it outside, but hangs on it. Rose knocks on the apron to give him a window to return to the ring. Rose with a splash in the corner on the two women. Baker strikes a Canadian destroyer on Priestley! Baker with a second super rope on Rose. Baker with his forearms at Priestley, knees. Priestley on the apron spits in Baker and eats a big forearm before falling to the ground. Priestley grabs Baker's arm while Rose throws her out of the ring. Rose wins!

Winner: Nyla Rose Wins Casino Battle Royale and Wins First Place AEW Women's Championship Match October 2nd.

Private party (Marq Quen and Isiah Kassidy) against Jack Evans and Angelico

Kassidy and Angelico started things in this one, a lot of dances and taunts at the beginning of this one. Quen with an intensive hurricane (hands behind his head), Evans turns around and lands on his feet. Trying to move on his side, Quen turns around and lands on his feet. His sunglasses fall and Evans takes them out of the ring! Quen lets Evans down and makes fun of him. Back in the ring, Kassidy touches Evans a lot, dances and drops his opponent. Evans uses his agility to escape the two opponents, pivoting kick to the springboard, cover, two.

Evans is really working on Quen, who is trying to mount an offensive. Quen is on the apron and on the springboard all along the ring to join his partner. Kassidy then makes a leap forward and drops Evans. Kassidy then hits a cyclone on Angelico, followed by a lunar descent on Angelico. Kassidy with a second rope in rotation, Moonsault, on Evans for a doubled.

Private party unleashed on their opponents. Evans and Quen in the ring now, Kassidy's blind label, helping slice bread (with a sharp cry) on Evans. Quen with a crazy high-altitude shooting star pressing on Evans. He throws Kassidy (the legal man) in the ring, under cover, Evans hits the two. Angelico and Evan double team on Kassidy, assisted 450 standing splash by Evans on Kassidy, cover, two. Angelico arrives at the top, Quen stops him. Kassidy goes up after Evans. Quen takes a kick. Evans eats two poisonranas, Quen then hits a hurricane in a Kassidy cutter for 1-2-3!

Winners: Private Party via Pinfall

– After the match, Angelico and Evans attacked Private Party and the crowd chanted "supporters of the party!"

– The video above, Vignette shown for Wardlow, shows a gang of thugs who chase him as he runs through a parking lot with his wife.

– Behind the scenes, MJF talks with Jen Decker … to start by checking it out. MJF mentions that he has no match tonight, but he did not want a match, he wanted to be in Cody's corner for his match against Shawn Spears to make sure Cody wins.

– Jim Ross goes to the comment table to praise the VPP.

SCU against Luchasaurus, Marko Stunt and Jungle Boy

Many actions in return make us move forward. SCU ends on the ground, Stunt with a suicide dive, Jungle Boy dives, and then Luchasaurus hits a reinforcement above the top rope and on the ground! Stunt with a diver's body, tap the top rope on Kazarian. Jungle Boy added a bunch of chops, a pin, a. Daniels intervenes for a moment, but Kazarian then hits the blind and kills Jungle Boy. Sky tags appear in hits with a double step on the back of Jungle Boy. Daniels reinstated in, taunting Stunt of his size. Sit on powerbomb / neckbreaker on Jungle Boy, pin, two.

Luchasaurus is scored and beats the three members with a flurry of kicks. Dodges all three limbs, kicking down, chokeslam on Kazarian, standing moonsault, cover, two! The crowd loves Luchasaurus and sings his name. Stunt gets a hurricane double assisted on Kazarian, amazing work in triple team. Luchasaurus turns around and eats his knees. Kazarian with one leg fallen on Jungle Boy. Kazarian with a hurricane on Luchasaurus falling into his teammates. Scorpio Sky with a jerk on the upper Luchasaurus rope. Kazarian holds both Stunt and Jungle Boy in the Piledriver position. Daniels hits the best moon disc ever seen while Kazarian folds, blanket, 1-2-3.

Winners: SCU via Pinfall

– After the match, SCU shakes hands with the other team.

CAP against Kenny Omega

Omega with some early PAC provocation that then returns the favor soon after. Omega squeezes cap, cap at the eye and feet at the stomach. Crowd with a song "205" in the cap. Lowkick of Omega, he looks for a crusher Kotaro and PAC ends up flipping through it. Omega with a rocking monkey and cap is sent to the outside. Omega seeks to fly, PAC enters the ring and hits a hurricane. CAP is sent to the ground, but lands on his feet. Omega looks for the crossbody on him and eats a knee in the face outdoors. PAC throws Omega into the barricade a few times.

Back in the ring, CAP with a springboard right foot on the face of Omega. Used CAP Omega, go get the tricks of the trade, Omega follows, and he extends the clothes on the ground. Omega tries to fly in the basement, then hits over the top rope. Back in the ring, dropkick missile at the back of the cap head, super fisherman, cover, two. Omega shoves cap in the carpet, looking for a second rope, Moonsault, nobody at home. PAC tries on his behalf, caught in the air, but turns it into a tornado DDT, spindle, count to two. PAC with a ruthless moon on Omega ground. PAC's feet hit the barricade and overall fell hard.

PAC rises slowly and heads quickly to the summit, taking a lot of time. 450 splashes hits hard, blanket, two. PAC mocks a little Omega, strikes back and forth in the ring. Omega with a massive kick that sends cap in the curtain, loop bomb, sitting powerbomb, cover, two! These two were so hard in this game. Omega is looking for v-trigger, PAC pulls the referee in front of him. PAC tries to surprise Omega with a springboard and eats a dropkick. Omega then hits the trigger V, looking for a winged angel, PAC fights. Omega takes the form of a German suplex with the bridge, account two.

CAP with a sling cutter on Omega, looking for a German suplex, Omega comes out, then gets hit with a super snap. Raised German Super Land with the bridge, two. Omega recovers, hits a trigger v, covers, two. V-trigger, blocked, kick in the heel, kick in the face of Omega, however lacks an enzyme. No more kicks by PAC and then eats a big V-trigger, then another huge knee, tries to poisonrana, no, somehow eats one himself. A winged angel, PAC turns him into brutalizer submission! Omega goes to bed and the referee calls the match! The crowd can not believe it. Omega is now 0-2 in AEW.

Winner: PAC via Submission (stoppage of referee)

Darby Allin against Joey Janela against Jimmy Havoc

This match is sponsored by Cracker Barrel and is known as "Cracker Barrel Clash". Havoc immediately goes under the ring and brings a series of chairs, a table and a stapler, apparently it's not a DQ. Havoc is stuck and tells him to come! All three on the outside, Allin then attaches Havoc to a chair. Havoc spits on Allin and eats a kick from Janela. Allin has a handful of bedbugs and puts them in Havoc's mouth, then closes her mouth with tape. Janela and Allin continue. Allin turns in the ring and immediately strikes Janela. Allin with a huge arm on the second rope and goes into the stunner. Allin heads up, Havoc tells him to look for him! Allin with a flap on Havoc and the chair is crushed, but releases Havoc. Janela and Allin continue on the apron. Darby climbs to the top rope, Janela stops him and nails an emerald merge on the apron.

Janela pulls out a tennis racket, then throws it (a blow to Cornette). Janela pulls out a table and places it on the floor. Havoc finally pulls the tape from his mouth, spits out the bugs and throws them a Janela. Look for a chop, a chop, a chop and a thumb to Janela's eye. Havoc catches chairs and this stapler. Janela gets planted in the ring, covered, two. Havoc takes some paper and does it between Janela's fingers and does it again. Havoc then hooks Janela to the forehead, makes the monkey ring in the armchair and lands again! Havoc then treats the paper against his lips. Janela then puts Havoc on the chair and hits an electric hottie that sends Allin straight across the table!

Janela went to Havoc for a moon moon, but no one was home and he landed very hard. Song of the "barrel of biscuits". Havoc then grabs some of the fluffy cookies and taps Janela in the face with them. Havoc then goes to the top of the ramp and retrieves the cannon. Crow with a "We want barrels!" song. Back in the ring, Janela drops Havoc while Allin gets on the ring with a skateboard. Allin blocks Janela's attack and underneath it is covered with bedbugs! Allin then climbs to the top rope and crushes the skateboard on Janela's back! Cover, Havoc shoots Allin out of the ring and throws him down the stairs. Havoc takes the table, but is pushed through and then sent down the stairs.

Havoc pulls staples on Allin and is thrown back into the steps. Allin installs the stairs in a new position and places Havoc on them. Allin catches a barrel, climbs to the top and hits a coffin, but nobody comes home! The cannon made a nasty crunching sound, holy cow! Back in the ring, Janela drops Havoc, nudges the top rope. Another gun in the ring, Havoc stops Janela on the top rope and hits a superplex, but Janela's leg just hits. Havoc then strikes an acid rain maker sending Janela completely through the cannon, covered, 1-2-3.

Winner: Jimmy Havoc via Pinfall

Best Friends vs. The Dark Order (The winner receives the byer of the first round in AEW World Team Championship Tournament.)

Tons of action in the first part of the game. The best friends really take control of the game. Look for a strong zero with Uno, but Trent is launched directly into the tensioner. Chuck with a missile dropkick on Uno, Grayson enters and eats a hideous waffle. Trent is the legal man, but he is slow to get the pin. A little under three that Uno pulls Trent from the ring.

On the other side of the ring, all the climbing plants attack Chuck and send him to the steps. Uno in the ring against Trent. Grayson is heading to the top of the rope, fatality hits, covers, 1-2-3.

Winners: The Dark Order via Pinfall and receive a first round goodbye in the AEW Tag Team Tournament.

– After the match, Dark Order continues the attack and the lights suddenly go out. Orange Cassidy is in the ring when the lights come on. Hands in his pocket, hits a suicide plunge on the climbing plants and falls back into the ring, kip-up and the crowd loves it with a song "Freshly Squeezed". The best friends enter the ring and make a double hug to Cassidy. He answers with a weak thumb.

Riho against Hikaru Shida (The winner gets the shot at AEW Women's World Championship on October 2nd against Nyla Rose.)

Shida takes control early against Riho. Shida with a backbreaker, a blanket, two. She then locks a Boston crab and a Boston crab on one leg. Shida continues to work on several submissions, but Riho will not give up. Riho with a hurricane to finally knock Shida down. Shida load, Riho pulls the rope and Shida goes outside. Riho goes to the top rope, but is stopped. Riho with a foot diving on the middle part of Shida.

Shida with a big blow, gets tripped in the second rope though. Riho with a 619, but it's blocked. Shida searches for the extensible silencer, Riho turns for the spit, counts two. Riho rolls Shida and double stride to the middle section. Shida with a knee to Riho's face. Shida with a deadlift on Riho. Riho wants two combinations to be pinned and has only two. Shida with an enziguri, a big suplex, a blanket, two. Shida tries to move, but Riho catches her leg to stop it. Northern Lights Riho suplex. Riho on the upper stretcher, Shida follows, but slips and ends up eating a double shock. Riho with two knees in the face, blanket, two. Riho goes to the top of the rope and doubles his knees towards the back of the head. Shida brings Riho to the mat and introduces her into a backbreaker, a blanket, two shots. Shida raises Riho, a counter in a pin, two. Riho dodges a knee, turns around Shida's body and shoots Shida for the 1-2-3!

Winner: Riho via Pinfall

– After the match, Nyla Rose goes to Riho.

Cody (with MJF) vs. Shawn Spears (with Tully Blanchard)

Spears is on the stage, sitting on a chair, getting up and heading slowly into the ring, dragging that chair next to him. Tully Blanchard then goes to the ring. Behind the scenes, Brandi Rhodes (dressed in Seven of Nine) accompanies Pharaoh in the ring, DDP joins the group, then MJF accompanies the group. Cody gets up through the stage and goes to the ring with the band and chooses MJF to stay in the ring with him. Spears on the floor and Cody immediately hits a suicide dive at the corner of Spears. He then hits Tully! Spears catches Cody and they start fighting in the crowd. The match has not started yet. Even more brawled, Cody makes even more vibrate the crowd. Crowd with a "f — em, Cody! F — em up!"

Bell finally rings, but they fall back to the floor, Cody with a PowerSlam spinning on the floor. While they fight, Tully stands in Cody. The crowd really hates Spear, "f — you, Shawn Spears!" resonates. From chops back and forth, spears up to the second rope, Cody follows him and hits a hurricane. Cody searches for another suicide dive and eats a forearm. Cody is sent into the ring, hugging him and going back into the ring. Spears with a lariat, looking for a blanket and just hit Cody in the head.

The comments explaining that MJF has not helped much so far in the game. Cody looks for a spear, misses and goes into the ring. Spears on the apron and hits a DDT. Spears removes Cody's weight belt, spits on it, and starts pushing Earl Hebner. Earl pushes him away and yells at him. Spears gets up and throws the belt so Hebner can take care of it and Spears whips Cody with the Tully belt. He cracked Cody again, now Cody is crazy. Spears hits him on the shoulder and Cody kicks him in the face. Cody with a cutter.

Spears locks a leg submission, MJF trying to talk to Cody and attracting the referee's attention, Tully hangs on Spear's hand for more pressure on Cody. Spears with a valley of death lead on the steel ramp. The referee launches his count, MJF tries to help Cody in the ring, but the referee continues his countdown. MJF encourages Cody to get into the ring and he does it. Tully continues to plan his game with Spears, since he's done the whole game. Cody knocks Rhodes cross, makes the blanket and Tully puts the apron to shoot Hebner. MJF starts shouting at Tully. Tully ends up sticking her fist very quickly and it seems that these two will fight. Tully throws her jacket at MJF. MJF throws his scarf on Tully and they choke, spears a kick in the head, sending MJF back from the ring.

Outside, Tully fights MJF, Arn Anderson advances in the ring and hits Spears with great help. Tully does not come to believe it when he realizes what happened as he walks to the back. MJF is on the floor. Spears tries to get a chair into the ring, Cody kicks Spears and then hits a face. Cody catches the chair, but decides not to hit him. Cody pulls the bionic elbow, the disaster sends a chair to Spear's face, crosses the lands of Rhodes, 1-2-3.

Winner: Cody via Pinfall

– After the match, MJF had the chair in hand and watched it for a moment, as he was going to do something, but he simply tossed it aside and squeezed Cody in his arms . He then honors the crowd for Cody's victory. Cody then celebrates a bunch in the ring.

Pentagon Jr. and Fenix ​​(c) against The Young Bucks (Match Escalera De La Muerte for AAA Team Titles)

The Young Bucks are kicking and mocking. Fenix ​​with a big bomb on Matt Jackson, the Pentagon with a missile dropkick under the belt on Matt. Young Bucks on the outside, the Pentagon and Fenix ​​seek to fly and end up getting straight to the point. Matt with a bomb loop in Nick's kick at the back of Fenix's head. Pentagon with a cross on a scale down on Matt and Nick. Fenix ​​uses the scale on the floor to help him turn against everyone in the game.

Configuration of the table on the outside. Nick takes massive chops from the Pentagon. Fenix ​​in the ring and looking to get the titles, but is arrested. Nick and Fenix ​​were looking for springboard armbands, but they both ended up jumping on the ladder in the middle of the ring, then got shot, Pentagon and Matt went up, but went down again by means of rolling cutters. More tables are installed on the outside. Nick and Fenix ​​on the apron, and everyone eats a spear with everyone going through the tables.

The Pentagon is sent to a ladder and slides out to avoid, but Nick follows him with a springboard on the top rope and descends on the Pentagon! Matt then showed Fenix ​​in a ladder in the corner of the ring. Back in the ring, the Pentagon is put on a ladder but goes away. Nick on the second rope and hits a cyclone on Nick, who sends him on a ladder! Fenix ​​dances a bit on the ropes while Nick holds on, Fenix ​​jumps to a ladder and hits a hurricane on Matt! Many crazy spots are really clean up to now. Larger scale introduced into the ring by the Pentagon and Fenix, they seek to climb, but are stopped. Matt with a Fenix ​​gorilla press and immediately launches the Pentagon. Nick with a kick at the Pentagon, face to face on Fenix ​​and then a moonlight off the apron on the Pentagon. Nick climbs the ladder, but Fenix ​​pushes him away, Nick jumps to the top rope and hits a smudge on the floor of the Pentagon! Fenix ​​then hits a ground turning on Nick and the Pentagon. Matt is heading up the ring scale, the Pentagon comes back and hits the slingblade from the ladder.

The table set in the middle of the ring, Matt is put on while Fenix ​​climbs a ladder. Matt wakes up and follows Fenix, looking for a suplex. The Pentagon goes up to help and hits a Canadian destroy Matt across the table! "Holy s —" sounds from the crowd. I can not emphasize how crazy these spots are and they have been hit as cleanly as possible so far in the match. On the outside, the Pentagon is on a table, Matt is on another table. Nick and Fenix ​​scream at each other as they go up the ladder and hit the splash.

More tables are ready to go outside, stacked next to each other. In the ring, Nick has a sniper on the Pentagon, Matt places the ladder over the Pentagon and locks a crossface. Fenix ​​tries to climb the ladder during this time, but Nick interrupts it. Matt rides Fenix ​​in a pilot position, Nick rides, but Matt, the Pentagon's super pentagon, finds himself face to face, then Fenix ​​gets discouraged anyway. Nick is in no man 's land, and the Pentagon is pushing the scale. Nick's foot catches the upper rope and ends up only passing through one of the two tables, causing him to land hard.

Pentagon Jr. and Matt at the top of the scale, he unmasks the Pentagon! Fenix ​​goes up and gets super kick. The Pentagon then pushes the scale with one hand and Matt crushes it violently. The Pentagon puts on his mask and looks at Piledriver Matt across a ladder. Zero scared on the scale! The Pentagon and Fenix ​​climb the ladder, they grab titles and win the match.

Winners: Pentagon Jr. and Fenix ​​retain AAA tag titles.

– After the match, two masked men came into the ring and destroyed everyone in the match. The duo then unmasked and that's LAX! The duo is now with AEW.

Chris Jericho vs. Adam Page (AEW World Championship Match)

Adam Page rides into the ring on horseback. Once all the announcements are made for the match, Page goes right after Jericho, the two end up on the ground. Jericho laughs a little Page and ends up running away. They go into the ring, Jericho boots in the face. Jericho is really working right now. Page with a lasso flying from the top rope, cover, two. Page goes to pick up the shooting star by pressing the apron and Jericho eventually pushes his knees in Page's face. The referee starts counting ten times, Page goes back to nine and Jericho immediately sends him back to the barricade.

Jericho beats Page right in front of his family. Jericho rings the bell, the umpire says nothing. Jericho then displays Page in the head with a microphone. Back in the ring, Jericho cut page, but Jericho with a withdrawal from the armband. The fans are laughing at Jericho who is leaning a little for them. Jericho is really working on Page's arm now. Crowd with a song "stupid idiot". Jericho continues to work on Page, laughs a little in the corner, hits a sentry, blanket, two. The crowd is divided enough for that, it looks like Jericho has the advantage. Stunned page, Jericho with a shoulder strap from the top of the rope. The page scrolls, lifts Jericho and drops the blows.

Page with a slippery shroud, Jericho looks for lionsault, but gets caught by the Russian side. Jericho recovers and locks Jericho's walls on Page. Discus elbow and Jericho opened above the eye after the shot. Page then strikes Jericho where he broke, Jericho is sent into the barricade. Tous deux rentrent dans le ring, Page continue de battre Jericho. Page charge et Jericho lève et envoie Page sur le tablier. Jericho monte à la deuxième corde et emmène Page avec lui, Page creuse la coupure, frappe un brise-vent en avalanche, une couverture, deux.

Page avec un coude de disque qui aplatit Y2J. Jericho lance Page estomac en premier sur la corde du haut. Jericho chercha un tremplin rapide et mangea un coup de pied au visage. Page avec un nuage mortel, cherche un œil mort, Jericho se faufile à travers et verrouille à nouveau les murs de Jericho, mais Jericho parvient à se frayer un chemin. Edwards crie à Jericho de rompre la prise et Jericho la bouscule un peu, elle l'aboie et le recule dans le coin. Jericho charge à Page et est envoyé au sol. Page jusqu'au bout de la corde et frappe une lune sur Jericho par terre! Page envoie Jericho dans le ring, tente à nouveau de faire un saut de loup et mange un codebreak, un code PIN, un décompte en deux.

Page avec un autre coup de coude roulant, une étoile filante en cours d'exécution presse et Jericho relève les genoux. Tentative de codebreaker, Nope, renversement en œil mort, non, coup mortel! Couvrir, seulement deux! Page cherche un lasso à coups de poing et le frappe. Tentative de mort, non, Jericho en recul, Page cherche un autre coude de discus et Jericho terres en judas! Jericho avec l'épingle, 1-2-3!

Gagnant: Chris Jericho via Pinfall pour devenir le AEW Champion du monde

– Après le match, Jericho célèbre le titre. Page regarde depuis le sol, abasourdie par ce qui s'est passé.


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